Friday, 29 June 2012

Wellington Academy Summer School

Wellington Academy Summer School 20th – 24th August

A brand new venue for arts and crafts courses based in glorious Wiltshire ( Ludgershall) at The Wellington Academy.
We offer both residential and non-residential courses, which are open to adult students (18 and over). Accommodation is in our state of the art boarding house with en-suite facilities ( students are welcome to settle in on Sunday 19th).  All our tutors have been chosen for their expertise and have extensive teaching experience.

Courses on offer are:
  • Silver jewellery with Ruth Facey
  • Tapestry Weaving with Hilary Charlesworth
  • Mosaics – Design and Consturction wit Priscilla Wheater
  • Creative Writing with Joan Moules
  • Acrylics Painting with Penny Wilton
  • Silk Painting on Textiles with John Farmelo
  • Beauty Therapy with Zoe Gibson
  • D.I.Y with Kelvin Shirley
Information is available at where a brochure can be downloaded.
Email :

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

artSOUTH Collaboration

An ambitious new contemporary visual art open submission. The project will provide an exciting opportunity for national and international artists to develop new works in collaboration with professionals/specialists of their choice in any other field or discipline. The project aims to instigate engaging and innovative collaborative commissions of the highest quality, for indoor and outdoor non-gallery locations across central southern England in Autumn 2013.

Call for proposals now live!

Deadline for submissions: Friday 7 September 2012.
Artist A K Dolven and artSOUTH Curator Judy Adam with:
Joanne Bushnell, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth
Stephen Foster, John Hansard Gallery,
University of Southampton
Phil Smith, Mottisfont, Romsey (National Trust)
Jo Montague, Arts and Museums Service, Hampshire County Council

More information here:

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Paid Dance Work In Wiltshire

As part of an exciting project that is happening in Wiltshire this summer we are looking for 5 Contemporary Dancers who have grown up/trained in Wiltshire or have a strong connection to the county.  There will be a 9 day rehearsal process, 4-12 August, with a performance in the week commencing 17 September.  All successful applicants will be paid for the rehearsal process and the performance.  For more information or to apply please go to at Dance and Theatre Wiltshire.

Feel free to spread the word to anyone who may be interested.

Alan Harding

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Arts And Health Survey - deadline July 14

Please do help with this piece of work if it's relevant to you.

I am writing to ask your assistance in circulating this email as
widely as possible to colleagues or practitioners in the BANES area
who may work in, or across, the field of both arts and
well-being/health. If this includes yourself, please take part in the
research by clicking on the link below. Further information about the
research can be found by clicking the link.
Please find a Word version attached.
We are very concerned to reach all those practitioners who may not be
active in any networks.
Many thanks for your assistance,
Antonia Clews

If you work within the field of arts, health and wellbeing in the
BANES area (Bath and North East Somerset), this is your opportunity to
give the community a stronger voice in articulating the value of the
relationship between arts and wellbeing to funders and decision
makers. Just take part in the research survey by clicking on this
link: by July
We need to involve as many practitioners in the research as possible.
Please forward this email to colleagues and networks.
If you have any questions about the research, please contact Antonia

WAP Conference date confirmed

You may recall we are organising a conference 'Strive, Survive, Thrive'.

We can confirm this will be held on Monday October 15th at Salisbury Playhouse. So please save the date!

We will have some key speakers who will look at ways we can ensure visual and performing arts thrive in the future.

We will be looking to have case studies demonstrating good examples of how the arts can provide positive outcomes, particularly within the health sector. These can be dvd's, paper based or presentations. If you have anything you think would be good to share at the conference please let me know.



Curious Theatre Company's Aqua Show

Don't miss Curious Theatre Company's Aqua Show. There are only 3 performances left, 23rd and 24th June at Devizes Leisure centre. Visit for more information.

It looks Fab!

Funding your work in challanging times

I've been to a few of these and think they're really useful.

Budget cuts, a decline in giving and increased demand for services are making this a tough time for charities - so Action Planning is working with ACEVO, CAF, Stone King LLP and Blackbaud to present a national conference on funding your work in challenging times.

It will be held in Central Hall Westminster on Wednesday 18 July and opened by the Cabinet Minister responsible for the third sector and public services, the Rt Hon Francis Maude MP with whom we will have an extended Q and A on Government plans for working with the sector to deliver public services.

As you will see from the conference brochure (download here), we will be examining all the ways in which you can make your organisation more financially sustainable - including diversifying fundraising, securing big gifts from the wealthy, generating more earned income, getting better returns on investments (if you're fortunate enough to have any), partnership working, cutting costs, outsourcing and restructuring.

We have a morning plenary with top-level speakers including leading leading financial guru, Gavyn Davies, ACEVO Chief Executive, Sir Stephen Bubb, Charity Finance Group Chief Executive, Caron Bradshaw, and one of Britain's most successful major donor fundraisers, Robin Thomas.

This is followed by choice of five afternoon workshops - on getting more from your fundraising function, generating earned income, marketing strategy, building the performance of your board and leading your team through major change. The attendance fee is £127 (which includes VAT and a networking reception from 4 pm) and you can book places online, by email ( by phoning 020 8661 8060 or by completing the form on the conference brochure. Do join us.

All good wishes,
David Senior
Director of Development
Action Planning
Main switchboard: 0208 642 4122 Mobile: 07710 313749

An update on Creative Ecology Wiltshire

CEW – Keeping in touch                                                                                         June 2012

With the conclusion of CEW’s pilot year people may understandably be wondering “what is happening next?” or “where has CEW gone?”.    This one page update is designed to provide a brief update to respond to those questions.

Outcomes from the pilot year

  • A great deal of learning from a challenging pilot year has been gathered through the evaluation process and reflected on by the governance group. The year officially concluded at the end of March, which was when Dominic Somers’ contract concluded. The year contained many positives but also some significant failings.

  • A number of CEW supported artists and projects have been successful in achieving G4A and other  investment including:
o   Richard Conlon and his Cleave verbatim theatre project
o   Curious Company and its Little Mermaid site specific performance project
o   2 Destination Language and its Flint micro festival project

which now connects interactively with sites across much of the south west of England

  • It has been recognised that CEW did not serve the dance community well during the pilot year and also lacked leadership, effective communication and an interface with the marketplace for artists and practitioners

  • In order to provide some continuity between projects CEW continues to employ Aimee for a few hours a week to maintain the website and social networks and send out regular news updates like this one

  • As part of the future planning process two new people have joined the governance group, Gareth Machin, the Artistic Director of Salisbury Playhouse and Peter Tyas, Head of Arts and Archives at Wiltshire Council (the latter in an observational capacity)

Planning for the future

  • A new project called CEW2 – Producing Potential – has been developed which, subject to investment from ACE, will run from October 2012 to December 2013. The ACE G4A application was submitted on 18th June ‘12

  •  CEW2 intends to develop and deliver a bespoke dance and theatre producing service for Wiltshire that responds to ideas, artists and projects and helps turn them into reality.

  • CEW2 is designed to champion artists and practitioners working in Wiltshire and seeks to bring their work to fruition and find outlets for it.

  • CEW2’s role is to provide the connection between makers and markets, between local artists and venues and between practitioners and participants, which is so essential in a rural county.

CEW2’s objectives

CEW2 will:

• Provide a structure (locally and regionally) for dance and theatre practitioners to network with each other, as well as with arts promoters and other stakeholders

• Provide support for dance and theatre practitioners to develop their skills in creating high quality performance and participatory work and bring it to the marketplace

• Produce dance and theatre projects, from idea to realisation

• Increase the marketplace for dance and theatre work made in Wiltshire

• Research and develop a business strategy for longer term sustainability

CEW2’s people

The CEW2 team will be:

  • The CEW2 team will comprise two freelance experienced Creative Producers: one for dance; another for theatre, both with a developed knowledge of how performance and participatory work is created, resourced and delivered

  • They will be the creative drivers of CEW2, able to work with a range of stakeholders, including new and established practitioners, arts promoters, funders, commissioners and regional networks

  • The Creative Producers will be led by a Business and Development Producer who will provide the strategic and business development for CEW2 and for the artists and practitioners CEW2 supports

  • This key strategic role will secure and manage the resources to enable the delivery of CEW2’s objectives, and drive the development of the marketplace for Wiltshire artists’ work

  •  It will also ensure effective communication between CEW2 staff and its governance and between CEW and its constituencies

  • The governance group responsible for developing this new project, bringing the resources to it and recruiting the paid staff team are:

o   Roz Conlon, Dance Development Co-ordinator, Activate Performing Arts, Dorset
o   Alan Harding, Dance Practitioner and Lecturer in Dance at Wiltshire College
o   Gareth Machin, Artistic Director of Salisbury Playhouse
o   Deryck Newland, Artistic Director, Pavilion Dance South West (ex.  Director of Salisbury Arts Centre)
o   Emma Procter, Extended Services Cluster Manager, Wiltshire Council
o   Joel Staley, Deputy Director, Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Arts, University of Bath
o   Peter Tyas, Head of Arts and Archives, Wiltshire Council (observer)

Local talent at Edinburgh

Here are some links to local performers going to Edinburgh!

There are limited rooms left in the WAP flat. Do let me know if you would like to take advantage of some subsidised accommodation!

Salisbury Arts Centre is recruiting a Technical Manager

Take a look at this link for details of the Technical Manager post at Salisbury Arts Centre. What a lovely venue to work in with a great team!

Ring Cycle - Part 3

Sue Kent has extened this invitation to all WAP members: 

Please find attached an invitation to the performance Siegfried, the third part of La Folia's Ring project with children with special needs.

I do hope you will be able to join us for what has become a very special annual event.

Sue Kent 

The Ring Cycle - Part 3 - Siegfried; Tuesday 3 July 2012; 10.30 - 11.30am

Salisbury Arts Centre, Bedwin Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire

You are warmly invited to this informal performance of a newly devised piece of music theatre by the pupils of Exeter House Special School and The Valley Unit at Woodford Valley School

We continue our project inspired by the universal themes and epic tales of Wagner's Ring Cycle as the lovers
Siegfried and Brünnhilde walk through the ring of fire to a love that can save the world.

·         This event is free but advance booking is strongly advised. 
Salisbury Arts Centre Box Office 01722 321744.
·         Please inform the box office if wheelchair spaces are needed - this is very important for the comfort and convenience of the wheelchair user.
·         We do hope you will be able to join us, along with any family and friends you may like to bring with you.

There will be a retiring collection to support this project for the future.
If you are a UK taxpayer, there will be an opportunity to Gift Aid your donation.

·         If you are unable to attend we would be most grateful if you could make a donation towards La Folia's projects with children with special needs, completing the form below and returning it to the address at the bottom of this page.

Thank you.

Sue Kent - project manager


I cannot attend and would like to make a donation of £……  towards La Folia’s projects with children with special needs





If you are a UK taxpayer please make your donation under Gift Aid

I want La Folia Music Ltd to treat this donation and all my future donations as a Gift Aid donation. I understand that I must pay an amount of UK income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on my donations in each tax year (currently 25p for each £1 given).

Signed………………………………………….  Date……………………………

Wiltshire Voluntary Sector Forum - BOOK NOW

I went to this last year and found it really useful. One of the things that was discussed was how many organisations don't regard themselves as part of the voluntary sector. I think arts organisations are amongst these. As many of you engage volunteers or infact work many voluntary hours as individual practitioners you may find this forum worth being aware of.

Wiltshire Voluntary Sector Forum – North & West

Spaces are quickly filling so book your space NOW to avoid disappointment

Wednesday 4th July 2012. 9:45am-12:30pm. Trowbridge Civic Centre, Trowbridge.

This Wiltshire VSF is focusing on the topic of Rurality.
Does your group have certain needs because it is located in a rural area?
Would you like to share these problems and identify solutions?
Would you like to network with other groups in your area?

This VSF is also valuable for groups not located in a rural area as you may also identify with the problems and issues identified as well as being able to benefit from networking opportunities.

We received some very positive feedback from the South & East VSF in May which focused on the same topic which can be found below:
“A fantastic opportunity to meet and talk to other organisations and to discuss issues which cover all organisations”
“It was useful to meet people from a wide perspective of involvement who brought different views to the meeting”
“A very well organised event – useful networking opportunity and information gathering”

To book a place or for further information please email, call 0845 034 5250 or complete our booking form by clicking here.

Sarah Culbert
Services Support
GROW Wiltshire