Friday, 17 June 2011

South West New Writers Network

On Monday 27th June from 6pm - 9pm at the Arnolfini in Bristol, Theatre Bristol and the South West New Writing Network is posing the question:

How can the region’s network for new writing best serve its members and the South West in the next three years?

This event is all about what regional writers want from the network, how they would like to see it change and what they might be able to do to help. The network thrives on its members’ input, and it’s only with their voices that can we move forward and be sure that the network is serving their needs. Please come and set your own agenda for the evening in a unique Open Space format – everything is noted down, everything is recorded, nothing is missed – we’d love to see you there.

SWNWN now occupies a crucial strategic position unlike any other network in the UK, offering a level playing field for all those invested in new writing to meet, debate, learn and move the conversation forward about writers and theatre in the region. The network has been influential in creating conversations, connecting artists, sparking projects, offering professional development opportunities to its members and raising their aspirations. The landscape for new writing has shifted significantly since 2004 with the arrival of new venues, new programmes, structured development schemes, writers’ groups, training opportunities, dynamic companies and a new thirst among audiences for seeing the best new work by the region’s most talented emerging and established writers.

Between April and May this year the network reformed its steering group and proposed a new coordinator to help govern the network’s next steps; it also circulated a series of proposals to its members for comment (available from Mark Powell at Salisbury Playhouse). This is therefore an ideal time for the network to consolidate its position and revive itself as a catalyst for new theatre writing in the South West, by asking its members how they would like to be supported and what form their vision for a new writing culture in the future might take. This event is about you, your needs and what you think we should do next.

There'll be good food and drink and the event is free! All we ask is that you tell us you're coming so that we can cater appropriately. Please click here for the full invitation and the chance to book a place.

Those of you who can’t make it all the way to Bristol or have other plans, you’ll be pleased to hear that all the documentation from the event will be available online shortly afterwards, so you can keep up with the hot topics, continue the discussions and have your say no matter where you’re placed in the region. You’ll be informed as soon as it’s uploaded.

We hope to see you getting involved!

Best wishes,

David Lane (South West New Writing Network) and the Theatre Bristol team
Dramaturg and Playwright
Associate Tutor, Goldsmiths College
07870 488 252

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