Monday, 25 July 2011

Minutes from WAP's last members meeting

Here are the minutes of our last full membership meeting.

There are a couple of things for you to consider:

1. Would you like to be trained or have any of your team trained to be Arts Awards Advisors? Do have a look at the notes from Ruth Jone's presentation. WAP will be able to organised subsidised training if we have a cohort of 8 or more. Let me know by commenting on the blog or email if you would like to consider this.
2. Would you like me to organise another opportunity to meet with Simon Jeffery to look in more detail at the process of tendering? Again please do leave a comment if you do.
3. Please do share any plans or thoughts you have around the Cultural Olympiad/ Torch relay. I am meeting with Team Wiltshire on Thursday and would be happy to pass on anything from WAP members.

Thanks all

1 comment:

  1. we have one member up for Arts Award training, thanks Jules, anyone else?
