Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Support networks for anyone involved in arts marketing, fundraising, programming, working as an individual practitioners...

As it is so often the same faces, generally organisation Directors who sit around the networking tables, we thought it was about time we helped all of the other essential people who make the arts happen in Wiltshire, meet each other.

I am hoping to organise informal networking sessions for those involved in marketing, fundraising, programming, producing, venue managing, working as an individual practitioner or technician. Are there any others that you think might be useful?

I am aware that many of you wear more than one hat for your organisations so please feel free to be involved with as many of these networks as you feel is useful.

My suggestion for a loose agenda would be:

1. Introductions and sharing of areas of work (Under relevant heading, eg: marketing) that each person feels they/ their org is particular strong at and one that is more challenging
2. Informal response, advice, offers of support identified from sharing
2. Identify areas where there may be benefits in working together
3. Actions: Long and short term

An opportunity to continue more informal conversations, sharing thoughts, ideas and support over a glass of wine or soft drink will be facilitated following the main agenda.

These sessions will be confidential (with only actions minuted) so that all those who attend feel able to talk openly about their work in order that the groups can most effectively support each other.

These events will be FREE to WAP members and £5 for non members (remember it only cost £10 to become a WAP member for individuals and £30 for small organisations).

I have made a start by booking the following sessions:

Marketing network: Wednesday 28 September 4 - 6pm Salisbury Arts Centre
Fundraising network: Thursday 6 October 4 - 6pm Pound Arts Centre, Corsham
Individual Practitioners: Wednesday 12 October 2 - 4pm Fat Fowl, Bradford On Avon

Please do let any colleagues who don't receive WAP emails know about these sessions. It would also be useful for you to let me know which of the other networks suggested you might be interested in attending. Feel free to leave a comment on the blog or email me wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.com. Please let me know if you would like to attend either of these sessions by email also.

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