Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Want to be in a brochure showcasing the arts in Wiltshire

Following our marketing network session we have an action to produce a brochure that includes all arts organisations, individual artists and practitioners from across Wiltshire so that we can help raise the profile of the arts in Wiltshire.

We would like everyone to make the brochure available and distribute at events they are attending and the marketing network plan to attend big events in and around the County to promote Wiltshire Loves Arts. We hope this will help raise the profile of Wiltshire as a county with a thriving professional arts scene, but will also help develop audiences/ customers from within and outside of the County for those included.

I am currently having a brochure costed up. WAP will look to subsidise the brochure hoping not to need to charge more the £20 per entry as it is really important that we showcase as much of the arts ecology in Wiltshire as possible.

It would be really helpful to start to get an idea of how many entries we will be looking at. So please could you ask all of your contacts who work professionally within the arts to contact me ideally with 50 and 100 words of copy about themselves including web address, email and telephone number (If relevant) with a high resolution image.

The deadline for expressions of interest in being in this publication is October 19.

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