Monday, 30 January 2012

Arts Development UK Professional Fellowship Programme

 AD:uk is the leading body for arts development professionals. AD:uk intends to raise the profile and reputation of the work of its members, influencing policy makers and funders and has a key role in training, developing, representing professionals working in the creative and cultural industries.

The Arts Development UK Professional Fellowship Programme is now open for members of the charity to apply their professional development and training experience and be certificated through a Fellowship programme. The scheme is optional but enables members to qualify for one of three AD:uk Fellowship classifications. The Fellowship Programme has been designed to raise members profile and provide recognition for experience and expertise throughout the workplace. We wish to support our members’ employment opportunities and promote the Association as a trusted brand.

The Fellowship programme has been developed by G&M Associates and Business in the Arts NW, and has been funded through an Arts Council England grant. It is the result of a year-long consultation and assessment programme, which included consultation with a range of arts and cultural officers and senior managers in the local authority sector.
Corporate members of AD:uk can register up to five individuals from their organisation to sign up to the Professional Fellowship Programme. Individual members also have one place.

There are three Fellowship bands:
·        Associate Fellow status: for those being awarded over 50 credits in a calendar year
·        Fellow status: for those being awarded over 100 credits in a calendar year, and
·        Senior Fellow status: for those awarded over 150 credits in a calendar year.

The certificated programme operates by individuals completing an online questionnaire recording their CPD achievement in each calendar year. Previous experience and qualifications will also be recorded as part of the assessment.

To find out more about membership of AD:uk and the Fellowship programme please visit or contact Faye Bradley at

Wiltshire and Swindon Funding Network

Thank you for sharing this information with us Faye (Wiltshire Council Arts Officer)

WSFN is a network of funding advisors and funders working in Wiltshire & Swindon.  It meets to improve opportunities for the voluntary & community and statutory sectors in Wiltshire and Swindon to secure funds for their work, and to improve the co-ordination and provision of funding advice in Wiltshire and Swindon.

In 2012 we are running four FREE events for communtiy groups across the county.  Our first two events in 2011, Five Steps to Funding Success & Fit for Funding were rip-roaring, fully booked successes, with the clear message being that groups need to be clear, flexible and creative in how they approach fundraising. So, why not come along to our next event to find out more ...
Please click on the links to book tickets:
Funding for Changing Times, (date tbc - April), Trowbridge Civic Hall - booking soon
Better Applications, 4th July, 9:30 - 1pm, Assembly Rooms, Town Hall, Devizes -
Creative Ways to Raise Money, 26th September, 9:30-1pm, Neeld Hall, Chippenham -
Creative Ways to Raise Money, 10th October, 9:30-pm, Salisbury Methodist Church -
All events are completely FREE OF CHARGE but you must book a ticket.  They are open to all and are generously funded by Wiltshire Council through WFSN.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Wiltshire Loves Arts?

We would like your feedback ...

We are working as part of a project that celebrates the wide range of arts in Wiltshire and encourages more people to come and experience what is on offer.  We want to call the project Wiltshire Loves Arts, but what do you think of this name?

We would really appreciate your thoughts.

Please post a comment and let us know if Wiltshire Loves Arts sounds good or bad to you and of course share any ideas you might have for a better name for this project.
So post Yes or No or your suggestion please!' Thanks for getting involved!

More televisual coverage of the arts!

Have a look at our Facebook page for more links to televisual arts coverage...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

What a lot of media coverage

Gosh it's been quite a day for celebrating the arts in Wiltshire today. You can see The Pound Arts Centre's Executive Director Ian on @SueDaviesBBC Afternoon Show today on BBCiplayer - he is on at 45mins27secs

And here's Micheal Cainen from The Pound talking about film at 1hr 14 

Wiltshire Music Centre has also just been on Points West as hosts for the Radio 5 live this evening!

Great stuff!

Monday, 23 January 2012

National Plan For Music Education

Those of you involved with deliverying music education are probably aware of the changes to music funding namely that the DfE has asked ACE to be the fund-holders for music education hubs. It will be ACE that selects and monitors hubs through an open application process.   DfE have allocated £171m in 2012-15 for this purpose – the funding previously allocated direct through local authorities.

Valerie Hayward of Youth Music has been working with other Wiltshire Partners to secure funding and delivery of music educiation within the county.

If you are not aware of the work that has been happening and the changes in funding and you work in music in education drop me a post or an email and I'll forward you more details about the work to date and how you can engage in it.

Admin and Social Media Assistant

The Community Area Partnership in Trowbridge (TCAF) is looking for someone to support their admin and social media for 6 hours a week.

TCAF have offices in the Civic Centre in Trowbridge but this role can be worked flexibly from home if prefered.

If you would like for more information please email or leave a post.

Want to celebrate the work that's been created for the Cultural Olympiad?

Peter Tyas, Head of Arts at Wiltshire Council has been working with Team Wiltshire to ensure that Wiltshire's arts organisations, artists and pratitioners have the opportunity to make the most of the olympic focus this year. Please see the below suggestion from Peter:

 I would like to float an idea; this spring and summer there will be a huge amount of activity in lots of different locations, a large amount of this will be participatory and result in new productions or performances. For those of you who are organising such work, what do you think about having a big party at the end of the summer to bring all of that work into one place and celebrate the creativity and energy of people in Wiltshire? I can provide the venue but I won’t be able to fund every group to get there…which means it’s a free gig but everyone has to pay their own way. If you think this is a good idea and can use your own budget / resources to bring a group to perform please let me know. If you think it is a bad idea please let me know. I need to know if this has legs or not so I can budget for it.

Please do contact me or leave a post here with your thoughts. 

Opportunity to perform in Salisbury as part of the olympic celebrations!

You may have caught site of the press release regarding Hudson’s field ‘Shine 4 Wiltshire’ event.

Team Wiltshire is looking to get between 20 and 30 acts on the stage for the event and groups wishing to get themselves selected have to put a you-tube video up and send a link to .

Please follow this link if you have not seen the coverage:

Volunteer performers needed for London 2012 Paralympic Opening and Closing Ceremonies

The London 2012 Organising Committee is searching for enthusiastic and energetic adult Volunteer Performers to participate in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

Jenny Sealey and Bradley Hemmings, Co-Artistic Directors of the Opening Ceremony and Kim Gavin, Artistic Director of the Closing Ceremony, are searching for 5,000 Volunteer Performers to fill roles as dancers, actors, percussionists and general all-round performers.

The deadline for receipt of applications for the Paralympic Opening and Closing Ceremonies is Monday 13 February 2012, and this is not a first come, first served process.

Trowbridge Community Area Local Knowledge: Local Action Event

We've recieved this from the Trowbridge Area Board and Area Partnership. There is one happening in every community area so look out for the others.

Trowbridge Area Board and Trowbridge Community Area Partnership (TCAF) are hosting a special evening to bring together the key players in the Trowbridge community area for discussion and debate.

We are pleased to invite you to attend this special event being held on 9th February 2012 from 6.30pm – 9pm at Trowbridge Civic Centre in The Council Chamber.  

Recently published statistics relating to the local area will be presented along with the Trowbridge Community Plan.  You will have the opportunity to discuss and debate these findings alongside the most up-to-date evidence available for the area.  Topics including health and well-being, community safety, housing, transport, the environment and leisure will be discussed. 

A wide range of stakeholders have been invited and the event should prove to be lively and insightful. Following this event, the Area Board has funding which could be used towards tackling specific issues or local priorities. It is hoped that this event will catalyse support from the public, voluntary and private sectors and identify projects that improve local quality of life in Trowbridge and the surrounding area.  

The evening will start at 6.30pm with a light buffet with the main event starting at 7pm.  Please complete and return the booking form attached by Thurs 26th January 2012 to confirm your attendance.  

As someone who contributes to improving the local area, we would really value your input and we hope you will be able to join us on Thursday 9th February. 

Kind regards,  

Cllr Jeff Osborn (Chairman, Trowbridge Area Board)

Colin Kay (Chair of TCAF)

Friday, 20 January 2012

Warminster Festival Open Poetry Competition

The details below may be of inertest to you or someone you know. Please feel free to circulate and all queries to the Warminster Festival Committee  Apologies for any cross posting

Warminster Festival Open Poetry Competition
First prize £100 (sponsored by Wheeler’s of Westbury)
Adjudicator – Lucy English
  • The closing date is August 1st 2012
  • Entries must be the poet’s own unpublished work
  • Entries may be on any subject but must be in English
  • Entries must not be on offer for publication nor be entered into any other competition
  • Entries must not have won any other competition
  • The maximum length of each poem is 40 lines
  • Each poem with its title must be typed on one side of an A4 sheet(s).  The poet’s name must not appear on the sheet(s)
  • The name and address of the poet and titles of submitted poems must be typed on a separate sheet of A4 paper. Please give e-mail addresses where possible
  • Entries are only accepted by post.  Poems will not be returned
  • The entry fee is £3 per poem
  • The adjudicator’s word is final
  • Entry implies acceptance of these rules.

Short-listed poets will be informed by September 1st and will be invited to the prize giving which will take place on Sunday October 14th 2012 at the Athenaeum, Warminster at 7.30 pm.

Results will appear on our website and any winning or commended poet unable to attend the prize giving will be informed of the results by post.

All cheques must be made payable to ‘Warminster Festival’
All entries should be sent to ‘The Warminster Festival Poetry Competition’, Civic Centre, Sambourne Road, Warminster, BA12 8LB

Public Budget Forums

A number of events open to the public to discuss the council’s budget and plans for the forthcoming year.  The dates of the forums are as follows; ·      
Monday 23 January - 6pm refreshments, 6:30pm start at St John’s Parish Centre, Trowbridge·      
Tuesday 24 January - 6pm refreshments, 6:30pm start at The Corn Exchange, Devizes·      
Monday 30 January - 6:30pm refreshments, 7pm start at The Neeld Hall, Chippenham·      
Salisbury 31 January - 6.30 pm refreshments, 7pm start at The Guildhall, Salisbury

Monday, 16 January 2012

GROW Training: How to Persuade a Funder to Give You Some MoneyTuesday

Are you passionate about what you do?  Could you do with more money?  Come and join use to find out how to persuade a funder to give you some money.  This session is suitable for anyone thinking of applying for funding.  Come along and let us demystify funding applications and improve your chances of success.   Cost:  Just £25.00!! Click here to find out more and book your place.

This event will take place on the 24th January 2012, Quaker Meeting House, Devizes. 

Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Reach Inclusive Arts 2011 AGM

The Reach Inclusive Arts 2011 AGM will take place on Monday 16th January 2012 from 4.30pm to 6.00 pm in the Lower Foyer of The Wyvern Theatre, Swindon (a fully accessible location near the Town Hall.)

There will be opportunities to share our work with project reviews from members and live performance.

For more information contact Helen at

Joint Strategic Assesment!

You might be interested to have a look at the Joint Strategic Assesment data that has been collated for each community area ( I suggest you start with the executive summary, a little easier to digest).

Your Local Area Boards and Community Area Partnerships are organising events where the outcomes of this data can be interigated and ways of responding to each areas needs can be developed. There are sure to be some arts related ways of responding so if you would like an invitation to one and haven't yet recieved one let me know.

Artists' Training

WYAP are running an artists’ training event on Thursday 26th January from 6.00 – 9.30pm at The Pound Arts Centre, Corsham for new Music and Dance Practitioners who would like to work with us on delivery of MusicMatters and P.O.P Youth Dance Project.

We would like to invite musicians and dance practitioners who are keen to develop their skills and knowledge of supporting the arts within a youth centre setting.

This is a fantastic training opportunity to get to know how WYAP works, how we train and advise our artists, targeting hard to reach young people.

If you would like to get involved in the WYAP Training then please complete the attached booking form and return it to Eleanor Davis by Wednesday 18th January. 

Places limited. Cost £5

Please contact Eleanor a Booking Form and Course information.
Eleanor DavisWYAP Youth Arts Coordinator - Maternity Cover - Jobshare
Wiltshire Council Integrated Youth Service
Office: 01249 716681

Artswords Writers' Kitchen

Dear Writers 

The first Artswords Writers’ Kitchen will happen at 7pm Wednesday 18th January at Lower Shaw Farm. 

We will be talking about a great new project: preparing to WRITE WORDS about soul-searching and the gathering-of-winds-from-Wiltshire-Swindon for the next Big Arts Day and an Olympics launch event.  

We have been asked to come up with words to support a 20-minute finale at the Big Arts Day on 14th July to go with an amazing wind machine, dancers, aerialists, high wire acts, digital displays, fire jugglers, and live music!  

Our aim would also be to produce a good-quality booklet with more words and writing in it for people to take away from the Big Arts Day, as a memento of the event, which is to be titled ‘Search for the Soul of Swindon’. 

Part of the show, and words, would also go on to the Olympics’ launch for sailing events at Portland, by the sea, on the beach, on 26/27/28th July, in front of thousands of people, and maybe even on telly.

To get an idea of the vision, for Wiltshire/Swindon and the whole of the south west, see
We, in Swindon/Wiltshire, need to do the following.

Produce good writing: poetry, prose, flash fiction, stories, one-liners, etc. that capture both ‘the soul of Swindon’ and wind from Wiltshire, or stuff like that.  (Swindon = winds on!) Our hope is that we can work towards this at Writers’ Kitchens, between January and July, by getting one another inspired, looking at what’s possible, as individuals, or working on writing together, or whatever takes our fancy.   We can be as free as the wind!

If you are interested and wish to discover more, please come along to the first Writers’ Kitchen at 7pm Wednesday 18th January at Lower Shaw Farm, Old Shaw Lane, Shaw, West Swindon SN5 5PJ. We are looking forward to producing wonderful soul-searching wind-words from S-wind-on!


Matt Matt Holland

Swindon Artswords & Literature Development
Tel: 01793 771080 or 07940 827624
CULTURE SWINDON: making culture visible, valued, enjoyed and easily accessed by the people of Swindon

Monday, 9 January 2012

Meet the new Portfolio Holder for Libraries, Heritage and Culture

Why not invite him along to something?

Cllr Alan Macrae

Cllr Alan Macrae

Title: Portfolio Holder - Libraries, Heritage and Culture
Party: Conservative
Division: Corsham Pickwick

Partnership Marketing Fund launched

VisitWiltshire has launched a Pertnership Marketing fund! Take a look at this link for more information!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Warminster Festival

Warminster Festival launch new website! 

The BIG Wyvern Theatre event: Making it ART 2012

If you're interested in hosting a trade stand or seeing the free show please contact Helen on the contact details below!
10th February
Opportunities Fair 10am – 1pm       Show: 1pm – 2.45pm

Reach Inclusive Arts, an arts charity based at the Wyvern Theatre, are hosting a BIG Theatre extravaganza on the 10th February 2012.

Reach are offering you the chance to bring a group along to watch a free show, by young people, exploring their future lives performed on the main stage and attend an Opportunities Fair, in the theatre foyer.

Three Swindon schools will be taking part in the performance, Commonweal, Uplands and Crowdys Hill.  The show will include original pieces by groups of young disabled people in the upper years of their secondary school education. The theme is identity and adult living, with performers being creative about how they see their future lives. The performances will portray work, lifestyle and leisure ambitions.

An Opportunities Fair will take place in the Lower Foyer of the theatre during the morning and this will give young people attending the performance the chance to find out more about groups and organizations that can help them with their lives now and in the future.

Attending the show will give people an opportunity to learn about managing change, how they feel about themselves and will provide material that can be worked on later.
Reach Inclusive Arts, an arts charity based at the Wyvern Theatre, are hosting a BIG Theatre extravaganza on the 10th February 2012.

Reach are offering you the chance to bring a group along to watch a free show, by young people, exploring their future lives performed on the main stage and attend an Opportunities Fair, in the theatre foyer.

Reach Inclusive Arts is an arts charity promoting inclusion for disabled people and seeking to provide innovative ways to entertain and educate. The aim is to develop and nurture an arts culture involving disabled people in artistic and cultural life through accessible activities. We provide a range of arts activities that employ professional artists. These projects include theatre, visual arts, film and media, music, movement and dance.

For more information please contact Helen Whelehan: Arts Project Manager
Reach Inclusive Arts, Wyvern Theatre, Theatre Square, Swindon SN1 1QN
01793 520318

Olympic performance at Swindon Steam Museum

I've spoken to Tanya Cochrane who is leading on the Superstings and Bellowhead project as part of the Cultural Olympiad BBC Music Nation weekend. This short film explains more as does the press release below. Please promote this project to your friends, colleagues and audiences as you feel able.

On Saturday 11th February 120 young musicians from across Wiltshire will be put through their paces by Bellowhead percussionist Pete Flood.  It will be their final rehearsal before appearing on stage with Bellowhead in a fantastic concert at STEAM Museum on Sunday 4th March as part of the Cultural Olympics 2012  for the BBC Music Nation Festival.
The young sting players come from Salisbury, Devizes, Marlborough, Trowbridge will congregate in Market Lavington Community Hall to put the finishing touches to a new work composed especially for them by Pete Flood.
Local music group Superstrings have recently been selected to represent the South West as part of the nationwide Cultural Olympiad, celebrating excellence in music during the run up to the London Olympic Games in 2012.
They will perform a spectacular concert as part of Music Nation, which sees music groups running innovative performances across the uk, culminating in a BBC weekend of performances on the  3rd and 4th March 2012.
The Superstring’s project will involve young string players from all over Wiltshire performing the World Premiere of a specially commissioned piece alongside award winning folk super-group BELLOWHEAD, at Swindon’s STEAM Museum on Sunday 4th March 2012. 
Inspired by Alfred Williams, renowned collector of the folk songs of Wiltshire and ‘hammerman’ in the workshops of Great Western Railways in Swindon, the new work will take the form of A Folk Suite and will be written especially for members of Bellowhead, plus professional folk duos and Superstrings. 
Through a 6 month series of inspirational workshops in the lead up to the performance, Superstrings hope to create a legacy that will result in local children taking an interest in their own culture and heritage for years to come. 
This promises to be an extremely exciting musical event for the region and we are keen to get as much publicity as possible for this exciting family event at the spectacular Steam Museum.
Tickets can be purchased from Gigantic -
If you can help Super Strings with financial support, marketing, or in any other way, please do get in touch with Tanya Cochrane on 07850 220 007.