Thank you for sharing this information with us Faye (Wiltshire Council Arts Officer)
WSFN is a network of funding advisors and funders working in Wiltshire & Swindon. It meets to improve opportunities for the voluntary & community and statutory sectors in Wiltshire and Swindon to secure funds for their work, and to improve the co-ordination and provision of funding advice in Wiltshire and Swindon.
In 2012 we are running four FREE events for communtiy groups across the county. Our first two events in 2011, Five Steps to Funding Success & Fit for Funding were rip-roaring, fully booked successes, with the clear message being that groups need to be clear, flexible and creative in how they approach fundraising. So, why not come along to our next event to find out more ...
Please click on the links to book tickets:
Funding for Changing Times, (date tbc - April), Trowbridge Civic Hall - booking soon
Better Applications, 4th July, 9:30 - 1pm, Assembly Rooms, Town Hall, Devizes -
Creative Ways to Raise Money, 26th September, 9:30-1pm, Neeld Hall, Chippenham -
Creative Ways to Raise Money, 10th October, 9:30-pm, Salisbury Methodist Church -
All events are completely FREE OF CHARGE but you must book a ticket. They are open to all and are generously funded by Wiltshire Council through WFSN.
the Devizes Better Applications event with the Lottery has been moved to TUESDAY 3RD JULY.