Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Skills For Localism Workshop

Please see this information from Community First.
Engaging Communities: tools for consulting and involving your community.

In March and April we ran a couple of workshop sessions on Engaging Communities. As these were over subscribed, we have decided to offer another session on Tuesday 12 June, 2-5pm.

We’re all being asked to get more involved in local planning and decision making. How can you ensure that everyone has a real chance to take part and to get their voice heard?

Engaging Communities covers some of the principles of community engagement and consultation, some practicalities about running consultation events, plus lots of ideas for some fun methods that could be used to widen participation from people in the community.
So if you are a parish or town council, community led planning or other local group seeking to consult and involve your community, this workshop will give you the practical tools to design high quality consultation activities that engage and involve all sections of your community.

The cost for attending this workshop is £30 per attendee. As places are limited it is essential to book well in advance so please complete and return the attached booking form.
The deadline for booking is Thursday 24th May 2012. If you have any questions about the session please do contact mrayner@communityfirst.org.uk

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