Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Grow's E-Bulletin

There's loads more on the bulletin than I've put here so do sign up for the full version.
Welcome to the weekly GROW E-Bulletin
This bulletin gives you news, information and updates relevant to the voluntary & community sector both in general and local to you in Wiltshire. Information in this bulletin comes from all our services GROW, Volunteer Centre Wiltshire & Equal Chances Better Lives. As well as information from YOU, the Voluntary and Community groups of Wiltshire. If you would like an item included in the bulletin please email it to GrowEbulletin@GrowWiltshire.org.uk.
Wiltshire News & Updates

Raising Money Conference

Meet leading donors and join expert masterclasses at 'Rich 2013'

25% discount on last few places
A unique opportunity to meet Sir John Madejski, Sir Ronald Cohen and other leading philanthropists at 'Rich 2013'

Book your place today Download brochure

LAST CHANCE to secure your place at New ways of raising money from the Rich - the annual conference for charity chief executives, trustees, directors and senior fundraisers - focusing on how to secure game changing support and investment.

The 2013 conference features new and innovative ways to generate income and investment and includes two masterclasses in the afternoon to help you raise money from major gift sources in 2013.
Hear from leading philanthropists including:Sir John Madejski, Chairman of Reading Football Club.
Philip Green, former chief executive of United Utilities plc and Chairman of Sentebale.
Sir Keith Mills, Deputy Chairman, LOCOG, Chairman of SportedPLUS Ian Coxon, Editor of The Sunday Times Rich List.

Hear from leading figures from the growing area of Social Investment including:Sir Ronald Cohen, Venture Capitalist, Philanthropist and Chairman of Big Society Capital.
Rod Schwartz, former Chair of JustGiving and Shelter and founder of Clearly So.

Hear from leading Venture Philanthropists including:Frederick Mulder CBE, leading international art dealer and founder of The Funding Network.
James Perry, social investor and Chief Executive of Panahpur.
Tom Hall, from Scope on Scope's new Venture Philanthropy Fund.


Choose two 1-hour masterclasses from sector-leading experts:

- How to Research & Build your Prospect Pool - with Aneesha Moreira
- Cultivation, solicitation and stewardship - with Ondine Upton - Planning major Campaigns & Appeals - with Andrew Johnson - Getting Investment Ready - with Steve Allman -
Developing your Case for Support - with David Saint

The Action Planning Elevator Pitch Award is a new live opportunity to practice your pitch, wow an audience, and win a £2,000 donation for your charity.

Book your place today
and enter The Action Planning Elevator Pitch Award - your chance to steal the show and win £2,000 for your cause.
The attendance fee is £138 reduced from £184 (which includes VAT) and you can book places now online, by email (anne.page@actionplanning.co.uk) or by phoning 020 8661 8066.

We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues on 7th February 2013.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Have you signed up to CEW?

CEW News - Update January 2013

CEW Action Jan 28 2013 - Don't forget to sign up

CEW’s first event of 2013, CEW Action, is taking place on 28 January, 13:00 -17:00, at Salisbury Playhouse.
Logos and Info
CEW Action will give you the opportunity to find out more about Creative Ecology Wiltshire’s plans, to network and make new partnerships, explore ideas, and inform CEW so it can better meet your needs. For details of the programme please visit http://danceandtheatrewiltshire.net/CEW_Events
As part of the day we are providing a session where you, as a venue, artist or practitioner, can pitch creative project ideas to gain support or collaborators, or, in the case of venues, highlight opportunities you want artists to know about. If you would like to promote your idea/opportunity at this ‘marketplace’ activity please let us know at info@cewwiltshire.org.
We look forward to seeing you at CEW Action.
Attendance is free – please sign up at eventbrite –http://creativeecologywiltshire.eventbrite.co.uk
You can unsubscribe from our mailing list or update your email address and delivery preferences
© Copyright 2013 Dance & Theatre Wiltshire • Salisbury Arts Centre Bedwin Street Salisbury Wilsthire SP1 3UT •

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Action Planning workshop info for February

We would be delighted to welcome you and your colleagues to our February programme of workshops, which are designed to help you diversify your sources of income at this challenging time. The programme includes a number of new workshops. We appreciate that these remain challenging times for our sector, and in response to feedback from our customers, we are offering special prices on all of our workshops over the coming months. We also offer bulk booking packages to those organisations who wish to book a number of places each year (please contact Anne Page on anne.page@actionplanning.co.uk for further information).

5 Tue Working with Commissioners
7 Thu New ways of raising money from the Rich - conference
11 Mon Preparing successful bids for statutory contracts and grants
12 Tue Preparing successful bids for statutory contracts and grants
12 Tue Developing an effective web presence NEW!
13 Wed Legacy Marketing Masterclass NEW!
14 Thu Planning a successful capital campaign

19 Tue Maximising the value of your Board NEW!
21 Thu Making your fundraising strategy work harder for you NEW!
27 Wed Digital Engagement strategies to recruit and retain supporters

Friday, 18 January 2013

Wiltshire Loves Arts Website

So we're nearly ready to go with the Wiltshire Loves Arts Website! What we need now is to populate this website, that will be pushed out around the County and the Country by Visit Wiltshire, with all that we have on offer in Wiltshire.

So if you have events coming up that you would like to be featured on this website which is designed to promote all arts and cultural activities that are happening around the County, please let us know at wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.com.

We will let you all have a glimpse of it as soon as it's ready!

Trowbridge Arts. Assistant needed

So I've been a bit distracted from my WAP blogging with my work helping Trowbridge put itself on the Cultural map... We're just about to go public with the news that the Grants For The Arts application I submitted last summer, with significant funding from Wiltshire Council and support from Trowbridge Town Council and TCAF (Trowbridge's Community Area Partnership) we have secured over £120,000 of funding to programme professional performance, participation and visual art in the Trowbridge Community Area.

So I will be doing less work for Wiltshire Arts Promoters and working as the Director of Arts for Trowbridge. Don't worry WAP will be being looked after by the brilliant Natalie Andrews who's supported arts development in Wiltshire for a number of years. I'm looking for someone to work with me on the Trowbridge Arts project. Fancy it? Here's the advert, get in touch if you'd like more information!

So wonderful that despite these difficult times our work is ensuring continued investment in the arts in Wiltshire. Do get in touch if you have any thoughts about work that might suit Trowbridge's unusual spaces.

Happy 2013 all!

Arts and Business Assistant

(three days a week)

Trowbridge Arts Project and Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce are looking for a suitably qualified and committed person to provide administrative support to both organisations.  The post would initially be for a two year period on a freelance basis.  It would involve an average of  twenty four hours per week with a fee of £75 per day (equivalent of £9.37 per hour).This is an exciting opportunity for someone committed to making Trowbridge a positive place to work and be inspired by. A passion for the arts would be an advantage.  For further details and job descriptions please contact trowartsdirector@gmail.com. For informal enquiries contact: Tracy Sullivan by telephone on 07540 938936. Closing date for proposals is Friday 1st February at noon. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 5th February with a start date of Monday 18th February where possible.


Eight White Horses of Wiltshire

I can't wait for this! (the walking bit as I'm not the skilled artist that many of you are) Email wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.co.uk if you'd like some more details.
Eight White Horses of Wiltshire


Inspired by walking the Eight White Horses of Wiltshire, we will commission an interactive, site specific installation in The Wiltshire Heritage Museum that will be created and delivered as part of a wider participatory arts programme during the Summer of 2013.


The Museum will work with lead artists Ali Pretty and Richard White and local arts organisation DOCA to develop a multi-faceted project that will engage new audiences in experiencing the local landscape through a range of activities including walking, drawing and digital media leading to an arts programme hosted by The Museum. The outcome will include an installation in the building, a series of silks that will be carried on a five-day walk of the White Horse Trail, participation in The Devizes Carnival.

Introduction to Enterprise workshop

Action Planning
Dear Tracy
'Introduction to Enterprise' - a one-day workshop
22 January or 13 March 2013 in London

More information Book places
Are you looking to diversify income streams by selling services or generating earned income?

Action Planning is pleased to announce the launch of a new workshop designed for small and medium sized charities looking to develop enterprise from scratch.

As charities face cuts in public funding and drops in individual income, many are considering commercial opportunities to 'sell their services' and/or generate earned income via trading and enterprise.

But where and how do you start?

The workshop is led by Steve Allman, Social Entrepreneur in Residence at the School for Social Entrepreneurs and tutor & mentor to aspiring social entrepreneurs.
Using a range of case studies and practical exercise, the workshop will examine the 10 steps to developing Enterprise.

Your delegate fee of £169 includes VAT, all course resources and lunch. You can book by entering your details here, alternatively you can email anne.page@actionplanning.co.uk or phone the Events team on 020 8661 8066.

All things youth!

email Carrie.Creamer@wiltshire.gov.uk If you would like to receieve this regularly and let wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.co.uk if you have any youth events you'd like us to push through a new mobile phone app'. The Cultural Passport.
Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership- bringing you news, events and projects for young people in Wiltshire
Published by
14 January 2013
Today's headline
Shared by
www­.guardian.co.uk- I am a bit worried I might be a massive racist because last week at a preview screening* I laughed like a hallucinating pig several times during Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, a preposterous...
108 contributors - featured today:

Outcomes workshop!

I've been on this one, it was a gooden', any of you who've been victims of my evaluations star.... it was this workshops fault!

'Demonstrating Outcomes' - a practical one-day workshop
31 January or 21 March 2013 in London

More information Book places

Does your organisation need to demonstrate outcomes and social value to funders and stakeholders?

This popular one-day workshop is designed to help charities to improve their understanding of outcomes and how they can be measured to demonstrate social value to stakeholders. It is of particular value to organisations working in social care, housing, health and disability, children and young people, employment, faith-based projects and international development – which often work with soft outcomes and change lives in ways which few funders fully appreciate.
The course is run by Dawn Wood, Senior Consultant at Action Planning, who has extensive experience in this area.
Here is a comment from a past participant:
"Some great tips and tools to take away. A very engaging trainer." Sarah Bone, Chief Executive, Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation

Your delegate fee of £146 includes VAT, all course resources and lunch. You can book by entering your details
here, alternatively you can email anne.page@actionplanning.co.ukor phone the Events team on 020 8661 8066.

We hope the training is of interest and look forward to seeing you.

With my thanks and best wishes,

Want some new year cheer with our partners Salisbury City Hall?

Al Murray

Thursday 28 February, 7.30pm

He’s back...

Broken Britain may be staring into the bottom of an empty pint glass, but don’t lose hope – Al Murray The Pub Landlord is back to fill it up again, with a brand new show of epic proportions.

“A National Treasure – FIVE STARS” Daily Telegraph

Britain’s most irrepressible Innkeeper will be serving up his premier brew of ale-inspired acumen and bar-room buffoonery at a theatre near you this autumn, as part of his 2012 THE ONLY WAY IS EPIC TOUR.

This monumental new live stand-up show from the multi-award-winning comedian, directly follows the nationwide success of the Guv’s twice extended Barrel of Fun tour, and is sure to sell-out fast.  Get your orders in now!

“His interaction with the front few rows is legendary” The Sun

Tickets are selling really fast – book now to avoid disappointment!

Discover archives with Story Box Theatre...

Title: Story Box
Description: An intimate opportunity to explore the archive with an expert guide and select few for company. The Story Box project lifts the lid on 8 miles of archives and invites creative practitioners to slip between the centuries and delve into the lives of past generations. The archive contains a vast array of documents that pertain to every aspect of life and death within the county, there are registers of births and marriages, there are proceedings from courts and school punishment books, there are also personal letters as well as the papers of state. The archive covers every strata of society from the destitute seeking shelter to the correspondence of monarch dispensing their favours. The archive charts the transition of society from the gruesome medieval courts of justice that had the power to mutilate and dismember transgressors through to the creation of democratic institutions and the foundations of charities and unions.
The day will be split into three parts; part one is an introduction and discussion about the archive; part two is an opportunity to explore in more detail a selection of materials and create a response to share with other artists over refreshments; in the afternoon part three is a much more open session with support from the help desk team to explore the archive.
Timings: Arrive at 9:45 for a prompt 10am start. The building closes to the public at 5:30pm.
Dates: 27th of February and the 19th of March.
Outcome: By the end of the session you will have a good understanding of what the archive contains and how to navigate the various resources. You will have workedwith fellow creative practitioners to explore the archive and be invited to join a larger group for a series of other opportunities to explore and create within the archive.
Registration: Please send an e-mail to Arts@wiltshire.gov.uk to book a place, please state which date you would like to attend and whether you will be staying for the whole day or just the morning.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Action Planning Conferences

We just got this information through from Action Planning, I've been to a couple of their events and they have been really useful.
Are you looking for ways of diversifying your income or to develop your funding streams?
I am pleased to announce the launch of Action Planning's Winter workshop and conference guide (click here to download) and I'd be most grateful for any help in circulating this guide to colleagues with an interest in training, fundraising, strategy and the delivery of public services.
Our workshops are delivered by leading practitioners in their field, offering you the opportunity to benefit from their knowledge and expertise. We have expanded our portfolio to include a number of new workshops.

You can secure places for any of the events by booking online through our website, calling the Events team on 020 8661 8066 or emailing admin.events@actionplanning.co.uk.

Calendar of Events

15 Tue   Legacy Marketing for Beginners NEW!
16 Wed  Managing the fundraising function for non-fundraisers
17 Thu   Demonstrating Outcomes22 Tue   Introduction to Enterprise NEW!23 Wed  Introduction to EU Funding
24 Thu   Preparing your EU Proposal
29 Tue   Developing a Fundraising Strategy from scratch NEW!
30 Wed  Developing your Marketing Strategy from scratch NEW!

31 Thu   Strategic Planning for Uncertain Times
5 Tue    Working with Commissioners
7 Thu    New ways of raising money from the Rich - conference
11 Mon  Preparing successful bids for statutory contracts and grants
12 Tue   Preparing successful bids for statutory contracts and grants
12 Tue   Developing an effective web presence NEW!
13 Wed  Legacy Marketing Masterclass NEW!
14 Thu   Planning a successful capital campaign

19 Tue   Maximising the value of your Board NEW!
21 Thu   Making your fundraising strategy work harder for you NEW!
27 Wed  Digital Engagement strategies to recruit and retain supporters 
4 Mon    Developing a Fundraising Strategy from scratch NEW!
5 Tue     Introduction to EU Funding
6 Wed    Preparing your EU proposal
7 Thu     Securing Major Donors

13 Wed  Introduction to Enterprise NEW!14 Thu   Strategic Planning for Uncertain Times NEW!19 Tue   How to establish an Individual Giving programme from scratch NEW!
20 Wed  Managing the fundraising function for non-fundraisers
20 Wed  Developing your brand to diversify income NEW!
21 Thu   Demonstrating Outcomes
21 Thu   Securing Major Donors