Title: Story Box
Description: An intimate opportunity to explore the archive with an expert guide and select few for company. The Story Box project lifts the lid on 8 miles of archives and invites creative practitioners to slip between the centuries and delve into the lives of past generations. The archive contains a vast array of documents that pertain to every aspect of life and death within the county, there are registers of births and marriages, there are proceedings from courts and school punishment books, there are also personal letters as well as the papers of state. The archive covers every strata of society from the destitute seeking shelter to the correspondence of monarch dispensing their favours. The archive charts the transition of society from the gruesome medieval courts of justice that had the power to mutilate and dismember transgressors through to the creation of democratic institutions and the foundations of charities and unions.
The day will be split into three parts; part one is an introduction and discussion about the archive; part two is an opportunity to explore in more detail a selection of materials and create a response to share with other artists over refreshments; in the afternoon part three is a much more open session with support from the help desk team to explore the archive.
Timings: Arrive at 9:45 for a prompt 10am start. The building closes to the public at 5:30pm.
Dates: 27th of February and the 19th of March.
Outcome: By the end of the session you will have a good understanding of what the archive contains and how to navigate the various resources. You will have workedwith fellow creative practitioners to explore the archive and be invited to join a larger group for a series of other opportunities to explore and create within the archive.
Registration: Please send an e-mail to Arts@wiltshire.gov.uk to book a place, please state which date you would like to attend and whether you will be staying for the whole day or just the morning.
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