Sky Arts is offering five young artists £30,000 each to fund their work for a full year as part of the Sky Arts Ignition: Futures Fund - in association with IdeasTap. The fund is designed to help bridge the gap between formal education and becoming a working artist. The Sky Arts Ignition: Futures Fund is open to individual artists working in visual art, theatre, performance art, film, music, dance or literature. To apply, you must be an IdeasTap member aged 18-30 on 19 September 2011 and be based in either the UK or Ireland. It’s free to become an IdeasTap member and just takes a few minutes to sign up. Two winners will be selected during this round of funding. The next round will open in early 2012 from which three further winners will be chosen. Applications close at 5pm on Monday 19 September 2011
Website: Sky Arts - Futures Fund (UK)
Friday, 17 June 2011
Film making commission

Salisbury Arts Centre is looking to commission an artist or filmmaker to produce a short film of between 7 and 15 minutes based on a recognisable fictional story as part of the ‘What’s the Story?’ filmmaking project. ‘What’s the Story?’ is taking place in October 2011, screening surprising and innovative films at Salisbury Arts Centre and other venues around the city.
There is an inclusive fee of £1,500 available for the project. This includes preparation time, travel costs, all production and material costs, attendance at the screening event, and VAT (if applicable).
For the full brief please email: or phone: 01722 343 020
South West New Writers Network
On Monday 27th June from 6pm - 9pm at the Arnolfini in Bristol, Theatre Bristol and the South West New Writing Network is posing the question:
How can the region’s network for new writing best serve its members and the South West in the next three years?
This event is all about what regional writers want from the network, how they would like to see it change and what they might be able to do to help. The network thrives on its members’ input, and it’s only with their voices that can we move forward and be sure that the network is serving their needs. Please come and set your own agenda for the evening in a unique Open Space format – everything is noted down, everything is recorded, nothing is missed – we’d love to see you there.
SWNWN now occupies a crucial strategic position unlike any other network in the UK, offering a level playing field for all those invested in new writing to meet, debate, learn and move the conversation forward about writers and theatre in the region. The network has been influential in creating conversations, connecting artists, sparking projects, offering professional development opportunities to its members and raising their aspirations. The landscape for new writing has shifted significantly since 2004 with the arrival of new venues, new programmes, structured development schemes, writers’ groups, training opportunities, dynamic companies and a new thirst among audiences for seeing the best new work by the region’s most talented emerging and established writers.
Between April and May this year the network reformed its steering group and proposed a new coordinator to help govern the network’s next steps; it also circulated a series of proposals to its members for comment (available from Mark Powell at Salisbury Playhouse). This is therefore an ideal time for the network to consolidate its position and revive itself as a catalyst for new theatre writing in the South West, by asking its members how they would like to be supported and what form their vision for a new writing culture in the future might take. This event is about you, your needs and what you think we should do next.
There'll be good food and drink and the event is free! All we ask is that you tell us you're coming so that we can cater appropriately. Please click here for the full invitation and the chance to book a place.
Those of you who can’t make it all the way to Bristol or have other plans, you’ll be pleased to hear that all the documentation from the event will be available online shortly afterwards, so you can keep up with the hot topics, continue the discussions and have your say no matter where you’re placed in the region. You’ll be informed as soon as it’s uploaded.
We hope to see you getting involved!
Best wishes,
David Lane (South West New Writing Network) and the Theatre Bristol team
Dramaturg and Playwright
Associate Tutor, Goldsmiths College
07870 488 252
How can the region’s network for new writing best serve its members and the South West in the next three years?
This event is all about what regional writers want from the network, how they would like to see it change and what they might be able to do to help. The network thrives on its members’ input, and it’s only with their voices that can we move forward and be sure that the network is serving their needs. Please come and set your own agenda for the evening in a unique Open Space format – everything is noted down, everything is recorded, nothing is missed – we’d love to see you there.
SWNWN now occupies a crucial strategic position unlike any other network in the UK, offering a level playing field for all those invested in new writing to meet, debate, learn and move the conversation forward about writers and theatre in the region. The network has been influential in creating conversations, connecting artists, sparking projects, offering professional development opportunities to its members and raising their aspirations. The landscape for new writing has shifted significantly since 2004 with the arrival of new venues, new programmes, structured development schemes, writers’ groups, training opportunities, dynamic companies and a new thirst among audiences for seeing the best new work by the region’s most talented emerging and established writers.
Between April and May this year the network reformed its steering group and proposed a new coordinator to help govern the network’s next steps; it also circulated a series of proposals to its members for comment (available from Mark Powell at Salisbury Playhouse). This is therefore an ideal time for the network to consolidate its position and revive itself as a catalyst for new theatre writing in the South West, by asking its members how they would like to be supported and what form their vision for a new writing culture in the future might take. This event is about you, your needs and what you think we should do next.
There'll be good food and drink and the event is free! All we ask is that you tell us you're coming so that we can cater appropriately. Please click here for the full invitation and the chance to book a place.
Those of you who can’t make it all the way to Bristol or have other plans, you’ll be pleased to hear that all the documentation from the event will be available online shortly afterwards, so you can keep up with the hot topics, continue the discussions and have your say no matter where you’re placed in the region. You’ll be informed as soon as it’s uploaded.
We hope to see you getting involved!
Best wishes,
David Lane (South West New Writing Network) and the Theatre Bristol team
Dramaturg and Playwright
Associate Tutor, Goldsmiths College
07870 488 252
Discussion on how families overcome the challenges they face
At its meeting on 12 May, the Salisbury Area Board received presentations on Child Poverty, Children’s Centres, and Explore (a charity which works with young people to talk about relationships and marriage). These presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion involving everyone present at the meeting on the challenges for families and how different organisations could work together to help families overcome the challenges they face.
The views and comments made have been collated and are set out in the attached document.
The Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board (Councillor Mary Douglas) has asked me to circulate this information to you, as many of the comments relate to the different areas of responsibility of Assembly members.
Councillor Douglas would like to update the Area Board at its next meeting (14 July) regarding any actions arising from the comments made. Could you please let Councillor Douglas know, by contacting me using the details below, whether you have any comments on the attached or whether you are aware of any projects that might respond to the issues and views raised.
Kind regards
James Hazlewood
Senior Democratic Services Officer
Wiltshire Council
Bourne Hill, Salisbury, PO Box 2281
Tel no. 01722 434250
The views and comments made have been collated and are set out in the attached document.
The Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board (Councillor Mary Douglas) has asked me to circulate this information to you, as many of the comments relate to the different areas of responsibility of Assembly members.
Councillor Douglas would like to update the Area Board at its next meeting (14 July) regarding any actions arising from the comments made. Could you please let Councillor Douglas know, by contacting me using the details below, whether you have any comments on the attached or whether you are aware of any projects that might respond to the issues and views raised.
Kind regards
James Hazlewood
Senior Democratic Services Officer
Wiltshire Council
Bourne Hill, Salisbury, PO Box 2281
Tel no. 01722 434250
ACE Reshaping toolkits and event
I recently attending the Arts Council's Reshaping event. They have developed two documents that are jammed packed with information and links to help artists and arts organisations develop and adjust to thrive in these changing times.
There is an opportunity for you to attend an event to introduce these documents in Swindon on July 14th. For more information visit:
There is an opportunity for you to attend an event to introduce these documents in Swindon on July 14th. For more information visit:
Wiltshire Council's budget forum

Wiltshire Council has approved its Business Plan 7mb for the next four years, which sets out the programme for investment, improvement and making savings. Leader of the council, Jane Scott and chief executive, Andrew Kerr, would like to meet you to discuss the plan in more detail and give you the opportunity to ask them questions. We are therefore holding some public meetings where you are very welcome to attend.
To find out more and where your nearest forum is visit
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Conference invitation
You and colleagues on your Board and Senior Management Team are warmly invited to join us at Central Hall Westminster on 6 July for Leading your charity through a time of change. This annual conference, attended by 600 senior colleagues, will help you to lead the change required to survive the cuts, diversify your sources of income into new fields such as major donor philanthropy and take advantage of new opportunities created by the Big Society agenda. Download brochure here
The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, who has Cabinet-level responsibility for the third sector, Big Lottery Fund Chief Executive, Peter Wanless, Charity Commission Chair, Dame Suzi Leather, and Big Society Network Chief Executive, Steve Moore, head a formidable programme of expert speakers. You will receive a wealth of practical advice as well as opportunity to put your views directly to the key decision makers in the sector. Around 600 attend this annual event.
Blackbaud is delighted to be a partner in the conference, which is organised by Action Planning with ACEVO, CAF, CFDG, Big Lottery Fund and Stone King LLP. There’s full information in the Action Planning email below and on the brochure. The attendance fee is £138 for your first place and £95 each for additional place, to enable colleagues from your Senior Management Team and Board to benefit from the specialist streams. You can book online here, email or call 020 8661 8060.
We look forward to seeing you on 6 July,
Adrian Cutcliffe
Marketing Manager
Blackbaud Europe Limited
The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, who has Cabinet-level responsibility for the third sector, Big Lottery Fund Chief Executive, Peter Wanless, Charity Commission Chair, Dame Suzi Leather, and Big Society Network Chief Executive, Steve Moore, head a formidable programme of expert speakers. You will receive a wealth of practical advice as well as opportunity to put your views directly to the key decision makers in the sector. Around 600 attend this annual event.
Blackbaud is delighted to be a partner in the conference, which is organised by Action Planning with ACEVO, CAF, CFDG, Big Lottery Fund and Stone King LLP. There’s full information in the Action Planning email below and on the brochure. The attendance fee is £138 for your first place and £95 each for additional place, to enable colleagues from your Senior Management Team and Board to benefit from the specialist streams. You can book online here, email or call 020 8661 8060.
We look forward to seeing you on 6 July,
Adrian Cutcliffe
Marketing Manager
Blackbaud Europe Limited
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
BBC to highlight cultural participation across the country
"The BBC Knowledge and Learning will, for the first time, enable the BBC to highlight the outreach work of publicly funded and not-for-profit partners long-term, further helping to support the UK's cultural endeavour."
Take a look at this press release:
Take a look at this press release:
Arts and Health training opportunities
"University of the West of England in Bristol (UWE), in partnership with Willis Newson, is offering two new short course modules for 2011/12: Participatory Arts Facilitation in Health and Social Care Settings and Evaluating Arts in Health Initiatives. Aimed at artists/creative practitioners wishing to develop skills in working with people in health, community and social care settings and for health and social care professionals, such as a nurse, doctor, teacher, youth worker, occupational or creative arts therapist who uses arts in health, community or social care settings. For more information, including full course details for the Participatory Arts Facilitation course, visit "
Arts Grants
Meril Morgan one of our Arts Development Officers at Wiltshire Council has asked me to let you know about the deadlines for their small grants fund. Please do let other people who may be interested know.
Thank you
Voluntary and community organisations (not individuals) can apply for up to £1,000 towards arts projects in Wiltshire. In addition to arts organisations, this fund may be appropriate for groups that artists are working with. Arts projects can cover a wide range of creative opportunities, including visual arts, crafts, media and digital forms, literature and performing arts. The deadline for the second round of applications is at
midnight on 30 September 2011 for projects taking place between November 2011 and October 2012. More details at
Thank you
Voluntary and community organisations (not individuals) can apply for up to £1,000 towards arts projects in Wiltshire. In addition to arts organisations, this fund may be appropriate for groups that artists are working with. Arts projects can cover a wide range of creative opportunities, including visual arts, crafts, media and digital forms, literature and performing arts. The deadline for the second round of applications is at
midnight on 30 September 2011 for projects taking place between November 2011 and October 2012. More details at
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Looking for the ideal man? Try the nearest museum or art gallery
I thought this daily mail article was another great argument for the value of the arts, and a bit of fun!
If you’re looking for a man who’s healthy and contented, perhaps your first date should be at a museum or art gallery.
That is because men who regularly indulge in cultural activities are likely to be in better shape, both mentally and physically, than those who do not, according to a study.
Going to the theatre, concerts and even the cinema results in a range of benefits for men, including less depression and anxiety.
Women also benefit, but not to the same degree, says the largest study of its kind.
Healthy: Cultural activities were significantly associated with good health and satisfaction with life
Healthy: Cultural activities were significantly associated with good health and satisfaction with life
The research, involving almost 51,000 adults, found the biggest beneficiaries were men who were interested in watching and looking at culture rather than actively participating in it themselves.
Researchers assessed the state of health, satisfaction with life, anxiety and depression levels of volunteers using questionnaires.
They were asked questions about ‘receptive’ cultural activities, including how often in the past six months they had been to a museum or art exhibition, a concert/play/film, a church/chapel or sporting event.
They were also asked about ‘creative’ cultural activities including club meetings, actively taking part in music/singing/theatre, parish work, outdoor activities, dance and sport.
Overall, cultural activities were significantly associated with good health and satisfaction with life. The more often people visited cultural places or were creative themselves, the more benefits were seen.
But the results showed men in particular gained the most benefits from receptive cultural activities, whereas women appeared to gain more from creative activities.
Read more:
Influencing Key Decision Makers Training Day
Do take a look at this information about a Free training day on how to influence key decision makers. I have applied to go so that I may more usefully support the network but it may well be valuable to you. If you need a word version in order that you can fill out the application form, please drop me an email
Sell your crafts at Corsham Fringe Festival
The team at Corsham Fringe Festival have extended the deadline for applications to take part in the festival's first Craft Fair. You will be provided with a table and chair with fellow artists outside of the Pound Arts Centre from 10 - 4pm on Sunday June 19th. If the weather is on the inclement side the fair will be moved inside the Arts Centre.
Take a look at this link for more information. Please contact by Friday 3 June.
Take a look at this link for more information. Please contact by Friday 3 June.
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