Thursday, 31 March 2011


Do you want to understand how you and your organisation can benefit from commissioning? Do you need to understand better what commissioning is all about? Do you feel that you are too small an organisation to be able to get work through this commissioning process?

The Arts Council, Wiltshire Council's Arts Service and many of the WAP members believe that bringing opportunities, thus income into the arts from the very many areas now commissioning out services such as adult social care, the youth service, GP's practices etc, is a very positive way we can ensure artists and the arts continue to grow in Wiltshire.

I can not encourage you enough to come along to these sessions organised on our behalf by Grow:
Commissioning - Procurement demystified - April 28 - Chippenham - pg 5
Commissioning - Tenders Ready - May 17 - Devizes - pg 11
Commissioning - Managing Your Contract - June 16 - Amesbury - pg 12

WAP will be looking to support artists further by ensuring that you feel able to work in the ways that may be demanded of you in these arenas, evaluation, child protection, understanding the issues and complexities of the participants etc. Following these days we can identify between us what these additional support mechanisms might need to be.

Please take a look at the Grow brochure and book onto the training that you would like to attend. It would be great if you could add a comment to this blog letting me know if you are intending to attend, or any comments you might have about the commissioning process.

Thanks all

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