Hi all, just to let you know that the next Trowbridge Area Board is to be held at the Wiltshire Council Offices in Bradley Road, on Thursday March 17 at 7pm. There are a couple of items on the agenda I though might be particularly interesting and provide some opportunities.
There is to be a presentation n Section 106 in the Trowbridge Area. Section 106 is where money needs to be invested as part of a development to meet the needs of residents, these can be for schools, recreation facilities, art for example)
There will also be a presentation on the Child Poverty Reduction Strategy which may be of interest to anyone working with hard to reach families.
There will also be a section looking at the Community Area Plan which the Area Partnership have been developing. There is a section on Arts and Culture within this. The main focus is to look at what the theme groups have identified as the needs of the Trowbridge area, what the partnership have said is happening in response to these needs and those at the meeting will be asked to help identify the indicators needed to monitor success.
I do go on about it but local area boards are a really useful forum to engage with so do go along to your local one if you can and if you think there is anything on the agenda or discussed at the meetings that may be of interest to the wider network please do let me know and I'll add it to our blog.
I have put a link to the Local Area Board section on Wiltshire Council's Website on our website LAB link
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