You may be aware that 2 weeks ago Wiltshire College announced their intention to cease any professional performance at The Arc from January 28 2011. There has been a two month consultation period offered to the Arc team to submit options for a business plan to bridge the current £25,000 subsidy given by the college.
There is a very real risk that the region will lose this professional venue that for 14 years has supported emerging artists, providing a platform for regional, national and international professional performance, a great training platform for students, apprentices and arts professionals and opportunities for community engagement.
Please do write to Chair of Wiltshire College Governors, Mr Steve Stone C/O
Wiltshire College Chippenham Campus, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3QD or to Principle Di Dale, di.dale@wiltshire.ac.uk in support of this valuable asset to the arts ecology in Wiltshire.