Thursday, 27 September 2012

Demonstrating Outcomes workshop

I've been on this one and thought it was really good!

'Demonstrating Outcomes' – a one-day workshop
4th October 2012 in London

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We are pleased to announce the launch of an additional session of the popular 'Demonstrating Outcomes' workshop.

'Demonstrating Outcomes', is an intensive, one-day workshop designed to help you demonstrate to funders and other key decision makers the real worth of the services which you provide and your impact on the quality of life of your beneficiaries – a key concern since outcome measurement is now so high on the new Government's agenda. It is particularly effective at helping you to measure 'soft outcomes' – those changes in individual capacity and quality of life to which a crude, quantitative 'numbers count' will never do justice.

It is limited to 20 participants and helps you apply a range of participatory evaluation tools which can show just how far your clients, volunteers and beneficiaries have come since being involved with your project. It will provide:
  • an understanding of how to measure outcomes
  • tools to measure 'softer' qualitative outcomes
  • opportunity to test these tools
  • pointers on how to use evaluation to maximise your fundraising

The course is run by Dawn Wood of Action Planning Consulting, who has extensive experience in this area.

Here is some feedback from those who have recently attended 'Demonstrating Outcomes':

"Some great tips and tools to take away. A very engaging trainer." Sarah Bone, Chief Executive, Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation.
"A very enjoyable course. Lots of practical and relevant information." Marie Kearns, Chief Executive, Harmony House Dagenham
"Brilliant day and resources." Kit Lendon, Volunteering Development Manager, PDSA "Excellent course. One of the best I have attended." Linda Bonfield, Adult Team Manager, Solihull Carers Centre

Book online and request invoice Book by email

Your participation fee of £185 includes VAT, all course resources and lunch. You can book by entering your details here and will have the choice of either requesting an invoice or paying online. Alternatively you can email or phone the Events team on 020 8661 8060.

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