Thursday, 15 December 2011

Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts – Start programme

deadline: 1 February 2012
The Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts is inviting UK arts organisations to apply to be involved in its Start programme.

Start is a grant giving programme that introduces children to a local cultural venue to experience the very best of the arts. Through Start, pupils begin to develop a lasting relationship with that venue and art form.

Children & the Arts is actively seeking passionate and committed partner organisations to work with it to develop and deliver Start for pupils from primary and secondary schools in their local area. It is looking to recruit six to ten new partners for the 2012/13 academic year.

Its aim, and that of its partners, is that pupils will develop the confidence and enthusiasm to continue their engagement with their local cultural venue beyond the life of the project.

If you think you might be a future Start partner, then please read the Application Guidelines at to see if you are eligible, and for further information on how to apply.

For more information visit

Anneliese Slader
Relationship Manager, Dance

Arts Council England
Senate Court, Southernhay Gardens Exeter EX1 1UG

Direct line: 01392 229245
Mobile: 07850 945291
Enquiries: 0845 300 6200

Monday, 5 December 2011

Outreach and Engagement Manager, Salisbury Arts Centre

Outreach and Engagement Manager
Salary £16,795 - £19,292 per annum
Full time, initially offered on a fixed term basis of one year

We are looking for an individual who is passionate about community and young people’s participation in the arts, enjoys managing projects, and has excellent communication skills.

Deadline for applications: Monday 12 December, 9am
Interviews will be held on: Wednesday 14 December

Salisbury Arts Centre is one of Arts Council England’s National Portfolio of Arts Organisations.
For more information and to download a job pack, please visit
call 01722 343020, or e-mail

As an equal opportunities employer we welcome applications from all sections of the community.
This post is subject to an enhanced CRB disclosure check
Reg. Charity No. 1023945        

Do You Have the X Factor? Get Involved in Local Communities

This is what we need, more people how know what the arts can do in decision making roles! There's a challenge for 2012!

The Councillor Development Group at Wiltshire Council has produced a film aimed at encouraging people to become more involved with democracy in their local area. This could be by standing as a unitary, town or parish councillor, campaigning on local issues, volunteering or attending meetings. We hope that you will be able to use the film to encourage people to take a more active part in local democracy in your area. You can watch the film online here. If you would like to have a copy of the DVD with the film on to show your group please do get in touch, GROW have a few copies ( or you can contact Lynda Williams at Wiltshire Council direct on:

Thanks for this GROW.

Are You Passionate About What You Do? Could You Do With More Money?

This GROW event might be useful?

Come and join us for.....How to persuade a funder to give you some money on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 in Devizes. Come along and let us demystify funding applications and improve your chances of success. Cost: Just £25! Booking is essential. Please telephone us on 0845 0345250 to check spaces are available then BOOK ONLINE HERE!

WAP members meeting

We're looking forward to getting together on Thursday at 11am at Salisbury Playhouse with more then 20 WAP members.

We'll be hearing from David Andrews, new CEO of VisitWiltshire about how arts and culture feature in their future plans; we'll be looking at how Wiltshire could partner with Create, Swindon in the development of a Cultural Passport app';I'll update you on the key areas of work I'll be supporting on behalf of WAP and WIltshire Council's Arts Development team will be updating us on all things Cultural Olympiad.

They'll be a chance to network over lunch after the main agenda.

If you've not confirmed your attendance please do ASAP.  Non members are welcome at a cost of £10 per head.

Economic goals will be the focus for the new Shadow Culture Minister

Just for your info!

Newly-appointed Shadow Culture Minister, Dan Jarvis MP has identified his five key areas of focus for the months ahead, with creativity and the creative industries topping the list. Describing himself as “committed to ensuring that the Government never lose sight of the economic significance of the [creative]industry”, he names ‘promoting growth and jobs’ , and ‘nurturing creativity in young people’ as key priorities. Celebrating the UK’s heritage, articulating a vision for the role of libraries and developing the cultural and creative legacy of the 2012 Olympics are also on the list, and he says he will be “looking at regional investment in arts and culture as well as ways to open up apprenticeships and jobs in the industry.” Jarvis has also pledged to “study Darren Henley’s Independent Review of Cultural Education very carefully and fight to make sure that Michael Gove fully appreciates the importance of cultural education in schools.”

This article is from Issue 243, published Monday 10 October 2011


  • Arts Job Finder
  • Arts Job Finder
  • Arts Job Finder

Arts Awards Training

Wiltshire’s Flame
Arts Award Adviser Training
Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre
Tuesday 31st January 2012, 9:30am - 4pm

To celebrate the Olympic year Wiltshire Council and Arts Award South West are collaborating on a project to celebrate the creativity and energy of young people within Wiltshire. The aim of the project is to enable hundreds of young people to take part in dozens of projects all across the County inspired by the Olympic Flame. 

If you work with young people and are interested in supporting them to be more creative, develop leadership skills and gain a nationally recognised qualification then this may be the project for you. Wiltshire Council Arts Service and Arts Award are working together to provide subsidised training for people to become Arts Award Advisers - which means you can deliver the award with any young people aged 11-25. Training usually costs £140 but under this scheme you only pay £65.

The training day is led by Ruth Jones, Arts Award South West Regional Coordinator and Senior Trainer. The training course will give you all the skills and knowledge that you need to deliver Arts Award at Bronze and Silver levels. The next day will take place on Tuesday 31st January at the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre.

The project will culminate in two awards ceremonies, the first will be timed to mark the journey of the Olympic Flame through Wiltshire and the second will be timed to coincide with the closing of the Olympic Games. At these ceremonies a panel of judges will select the best three projects to be awarded a Bronze, Silver and Gold commemorative coin.

If you are interested in taking part in the project please register your interest by returning the following information by email to

For more information about arts awards visit

Name of person taking training:

Contact telephone and email address:

Name & address to invoice for £65:

Please confirm you have either 2 years full time or 3 years part time experience of working with young people:

Do you have any
-dietary requirements:
-access requirements:

Faye Bradley
Arts Development Officer
Wiltshire Council Arts Service

Tel: 01722 434217 (54217) | Mobile: 07827081039 | Fax: 01249 705527
Email: | Website:  |

Monday, 14 November 2011

Wiltshire’s fourth annual Health Improvement Partnership Awards

Sent on behalf of the Wiltshire Health Improvement Partnership Awards Team to all Wiltshire Assembly members.

Dear colleagues

Nominations are now open for Wiltshire’s fourth annual Health Improvement Partnership Awards which celebrate the work of every individual, group, organization and business involved in improving the health and wellbeing of our local communities. 

Please forward this email through your circulation lists to organisations and groups you think may be interested in getting involved.

You can also take part either by nominating work you are directly involved in or by nominating other groups, individual, clubs or organizations whose work you know of.  It’s quick and easy and is a great way of recognizing the work being done in our communities. 

To find out more and to nominate, visit

Last year over 170 people from over 70 different organisations and projects attended the awards ceremony at Salisbury’s City Hall.  This year’s ceremony will take place at Warminster Civic Centre on 23rd February 2012.

There are nine award categories:

Physical activity award
Healthy eating award
Sexual health award
The Sanofi Pasteur MSD Innovation award
Mental health and wellbeing award
Health inequalities award
Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse prevention award
Workplace Health and Wellbeing Award award
The Liquid Media Public award for outstanding contribution to improving health and wellbeing

The deadlines for nominations are 14th December 2011 if you want to nominate another organisation, group or individual; and 21st December if you want to nominate your own organisation’s work.

Thank you for your help and support

The Wiltshire Health Improvement Partnership Awards Team

Telephone: 01225 718520

Inspire Make Deadline 18 November!

If you are intending to apply for Inspire Mark you have until the 18th of this month to get them to Richard Crowe so he can make sure they get through before the closure of the programme on the 1st of December. 
Richard emailed,  

...THEREFORE IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT THAT I RECEIVE ANY OUTSTANDING APPLICATIONS FOR THE INSPIRE MARK BY FRIDAY 18TH NOVEMBER 2011 (so I have time to process and submit them to London in advance of 01.12.11)

At this stage London are saying that you don’t have to comply with the 75% funding upfront in advance of application and, to be honest, don’t have to provide the level of detail they generally require if you haven’t worked that out yet.  We just need to ensure your project/event is flagged and in the system.  Obviously, however, they will need that information eventually along with assurances about your budgets before they will confirm the license to operate the Inspire Mark, so as much information as you can give now is going to be useful and save you time in the long run.

I can obviously help with editing your application and suggesting changes, so please return these to me in the form you receive them (i.e.: Word) and not as pdfs or other formats I can’t amend.

I do hope that’s all fairly straight forward and makes sense.  Please do contact me if you have queries/problems on this process – best by e-mail than phone as I’m in meetings pretty much all day for the next ten days or so.

Best wishes


London 2012 Creative Programmer for the South West

Richards email address is:

HOODWINK NEWS October 2011

Hoodwink are still company in residence at Salisbury Arts centre and have had a busy year so far:

‘Where’s Constable?’
Saturday 11th June 2011 Cathedral Green, Salisbury.

A commission as part of Salisbury’s celebrations of 200 years since artist John Constable first visited the city, to go alongside the major exhibition of his work at Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum
Created in partnership with Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury Arts Centre and Wiltshire County Council.

Created and performed by a team of performers from HOODWINK and featuring:
Jon Hicks, The Hood ( Hoodwink’s young company), Jigsaw Youth Dance Company, Downton Community Choir, The Jane Austen Dance Society and Beverley’s Creative Cakes.
“great fun and a show that deserves to be remembered for all time in the annals of Salisbury performances !”
Rhoddy Voremberg, The Stanley Picker Trust.

For those of you who missed the live event:

Devizes Christmas Festival

WAP member Dave Buxton has asked that I share this with you. 

Friday 25 November

Devizes Christmas Festival is on Friday 25th November (a bit early to be called Xmas fest I know but hey …) and features our super Lantern Parade of hundreds of lanterns made by schools and community groups from Devizes and all the surrounding villages. Around 700 expected this year including some big sculptural specimens.

Christmas markets, festive food and drink, street performers, bands, fire jugglers, fireworks. Party atmosphere guaranteed!

We are offering open access lantern-making workshops for all ages at Crown Centre, St Johns Street, Devizes: Saturdays 12th, 19th (2.00 – 4.30); Wednesdays 16th, 23rd (6.00 – 8.30). Materials and tuition are free. All welcome.

I’ve attached some publicity stuff if you can use it and here’s a link to a lovely YouTube video of last year’s festival which is highly recommended, especially if you don’t feel very Christmassy yet!

Day of innovation on the future of the book!

Media FuturesRule
/In partnership with
Cyprus Well
/Powered by
/Supported by
iNets South West Creative Industries
/Funded by
Solutions For BusinessEuropean Regional Development FundSouth West Screen

Publish! - A Day of Innovation on the Future of the Book
Innovation is key to surviving and prospering in business, and never more so than in troubled economic times. Can innovation invigorate the book and the publishing industries, currently undergoing unprecedented transformation?
Book now for this Day of Innovation, where you can find out how to be more innovative; understand how publishers (and new players) are making money from digital; meet innovators working on the future of the book; and network with potential partners who can help you develop successful digital products.
Key thinkers and doers will give thought-provoking Lightning Talks and present recent Show and Tells, giving you insights into what has and hasn’t worked in innovation and business growth. To raise your sights further, leading innovators will showcase inspiring projects.
We will debate the challenges and opportunities facing publishers now, and set the scene for the future. How will social, technological and business changes shape the industry over the next five years? Will apps go the way of CD-ROMs? Might print become a gateway to digital experiences?
In rapid workshops experts will teach you about creating digital content; collaborating with partners and digital agencies; working with designers and developers; and developing new business models and revenue streams.
To wrap up the day a panel of industry luminaries will discuss how we can innovate better and and more cost-effectively, using methods including open innovation, rapid development and lean models.
Full programme announced soon! Check back at:
The of Publishing programme is produced in partnership with Cyprus Well, powered by NESTA, and supported by the Creative Industries iNet, which is part of the Government’s Solutions for Business portfolio, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and led by South West Screen.

To keep up with Day of Innovation developments you can connect with us via…
If this email was forwarded to you, you can also join our Futures mailing list in order to be notified of the full programme.
£75 for individuals and small businesses with first allocation £50, and corporate rate £100 with first allocation £75. (Plus booking fee.)
A Day of Innovation
8 December 2011
10am – 5:30pm
1 Canons Road
Bristol BS1 5TX
Book Now
Wsatershed, Bristol, 8 December

Arc Theatre debate at Trowbridge Local Area Board

Here is another article in advocacy of The Arc. Do add your voice to the debate with Vice Principle Bev Flanagan at the Trowbridge Area Board on Thursday 17 6.30pm for a 7pm start at Bradley Road council offices.

WAP's letter of support of The Arc

Take a look at this letter that WAP sent to the Wiltshire Times in support of the important part The Arc theatre plays Wiltshire.

Call to artists to ‘Celebrate with Paws*’ the participatory arts workshop scheme in Wiltshire

Wiltshire Council's arts service offers a participatory arts workshop scheme (PAWS) with projects designed and run by professional artists, to local community groups. Every six months we create a new menu that is offered out to a wide variety of community and voluntary group, after school clubs, youth groups, older people's clubs, disability groups and more.
Groups apply for the project of their choice and we then assess and allocate up to 20 projects per season.  Each project runs for a minimum of 8 hours spread over 2 to 4 visits. The fee per project is £350 plus travel expenses and a planning fee.

The forthcoming season, ‘Celebrate with Paws’ will run from April to September 2012, a time when the country will be hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games and celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. To help our Wiltshire communities celebrate these major events we are inviting artists to submit their proposals of celebratory projects to be featured as part of this unique season’s menu.

For more information about the opportunity please read the artists information sheet, if you would like to register please complete the application form and return it to us no later than the 18 November 2011.

If you would like to discuss your project ideas with the Arts Officer please contact Faye Bradley at or call 07827081039.
For more information about Paws visit the website;
* Celebrate with Paws has applied for an Inspire Mark to be and official project of the Cultural Olympiad 2012.


Sat 26 Nov, 7.30pm

A work-in-progress platform event for
Contemporary Theatre/ Dance & Live Art.
See exciting new work in the making.
Engage in a dialogue with the artists.
chocolate lady

Eleanor Sikorski

With a hoard of sweet, unwrapped delicacies and a taste for detail and the absurd, a woman walks into the spotlight to present the noisy face of curiosity.

Bill Aitchison: Vinyl

A record collection is so much more than a selection of fragile black disks that play music; it is a depository of memories, those of the owner overlaid upon those of the society.
For Vinyl, Bill will play some of his wildly diverse singles and LPs he has collected over many years on the move and he will recall, revise and retell what they might be records of.
Two Destination Language

Two Destination Language:
A journey of a home

Your plane is about to depart for a new beginning. You’ve packed your bags, you’re ready to go and we’re going to take you on the journey of your dreams. You get there. It’s raining.
Two Destination Language lead you on a solo journey where dreams of the future meet the present day.
This is a one-on-one audio performance walk: please book your personal journey with the attending steward at our booth, where you can also read and share all kinds of journeys.

IJAD Dance Company

IJAD presents a 10 minute extract of a work in progress, showcasing live dance installation My multitude me – which forms part of a larger project In-Finite, that is being developed for performance on different platforms from September 2012.
In-Finite explores new technology within the contemporary dance world and how it determines the parameters of the stage, celebrating cultural identity, exploring its uniqueness through a collage of untold stories and secrets.
IJAD on Facebook

Sat 26 Nov, 7.30pm
ICIA Arts Theatre & Arts Barn
University of Bath
Tickets £7, Concs £5 -- Book Now

Marketing Network Meeting

WAP's Marketing Network is meeting again tomorrow (Tuesday 15th) to talk more about the plan that came out of meeting one!!! Wiltshire Loves Arts!! We'll also see how everyone's coping with the Christmas rush! We'll be in the cafe at Salisbury Playhouse from 3pm, all marketeers welcome!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Community Arts Training

I had a great afternoon with everyone on the Community Arts Training course. It really brings home how many talented, professional individual practitioners there are out there. All of the CAT graduates have been given membership to WAP until April 2012 so I hope we'll get to benefit from their input at our next meetings.

To find out more about Community Arts Training visit for more information.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Opportunity for artist to work and sell from a local gallery

I met with new WAP member Jane Johnson last week and found out about the work she does creating, selling and running workshops in Ceramics.

As well as working from her home studio in Holt, Jane is one of 4 artists who run a boutique gallery at Dick Willows in Bathford. They are currently looking for artists to join them and share in the running and rental (which is amazingly low!)There is space to run workshops as well as sell work from the Gallery.

Do have a look at their website Do get in touch if you'd like to know more.

Cultural Olympiad discussed on BBC Radio Wiltshire

WAP had a little slot on BBC Radio Wiltshire last week to talk about the Cultural Olympiad. I have to confess it was a little scary as there are rather a lot of things that have aren't going to be 'revealed' until later in the year so I do hope I didn't give any secrets away! DO have a listen (It's available for the next two days) our bit is 45 minutes into the programme.

What should the future of culture in Wiltshire look like?

Wiltshire Council “What should the future of culture in Wiltshire look like?” Open Space Event

Wednesday, 30 November 2011 from 12:30 to 17:00 (GMT)

Wiltshire Music Centre, Bradford On Avon, Wiltshire

If this question matters to you please come and explore it at a special, free open space event being run by Wiltshire Council in partnership with CEW (Creative Ecology Wiltshire)

The Open Space event will be on 30th November 1pm(12.30pm arrive)-5.00pm at the Wiltshire Music Centre.

We need to listen to your views, observations, challenges, ideas and dreams because you, the Wiltshire cultural sector, are the experts.

Wiltshire Council is producing a cultural strategy for the county and is seeking to engage the cultural sector in a creative and constructive dialogue about the importance of culture within the wider civic society context.

As you know we are operating in a time of economic challenge but this does not mean that there cannot be positive opportunities and the space for new and bold ideas. This Open Space event is an exciting possibility for you to hold a dialogue with Wiltshire Council and have your views really listened to.

If you are unfamiliar with Open Space, it is an interactive and inclusive way of structuring a meeting that allows you, the participant, to set the agenda. It is a very dynamic way of talking about complicated and difficult things. You will not be talked at or asked to talk about things you don’t want to. Everything that is said will be recorded and you will get a copy of that document. The strength of Open Space is its ability to unite groups of enormous diversity; to that end we are inviting people from all areas of our cultural sector.

Culture is at the heart of communities and it is an important element of the economy for the county. The intended audience for the Cultural Strategy is primarily the suppliers and providers of cultural services and activities. This includes the public sector, voluntary/third sector and private sector organisations that provide and deliver cultural activities of all kinds. One of the principal functions of the strategy will be to express the links between these sectors and to identify opportunities for collaborations that significantly advance the cultural offer of Wiltshire. For the strategy to be effective it must include and engage all those with a stake in the cultural life of the county and this open space event is your opportunity to shape this emerging strategy.

We look forward to you playing a vital part in this event and will reward you with refreshments and treats to energise a debate that will help us forge a successful path forward together.

Click this link below to book your free ticket

Kind regards

Peter Tyas

Manager Arts and Archives

Money, help or someone who knows what they’re talking about?

Umm maybe this sort of relationship could be a useful one!

Two essential needs for any business are top advice and cash flow.

So, South West Screen are launching two programmes:

Investment Readiness – secure investment or funding for your business
Mentoring – direct one-to-one advice from leading creative entrepreneurs

If you’re interested in securing investment or building a long-term relationship with a highly successful business leader, South West Screen are bringing the UK’s leading support programmes to the region. The programmes launch on November 11th.

To find out how to join the programmes, see if they’re right for your business and discover who some of the big name mentors are, come to one of our taster workshops:


Bristol – Monday 7 November, 2.30-5.30pm, Waterside 3, Watershed

Exeter – Thursday 10 November, 2.30-5.30pm, Auditorium, Exeter Conference Centre

Receive a year’s worth of 1-2-1 advice from a top-level creative entrepreneur! We’ve teamed up with NESTA to deliver its highly successful mentoring programme. It’s your chance connect with someone who has already done what you’re trying to do with your business now. We’ve got big names, from inside and outside the region, to share their experiences with you. You’ll also have access to a business coach, exclusive workshops and access to specialist advice. More details.

Pembridge Partners, a unique consultancy of experienced entrepreneurs and investors, will deliver an intensive short programme for a select group of creative business leaders. They’ll show you how to: question the real value of an idea; develop that idea in the context of investor interest; and pitch your proposition to a panel of investors who are interested in creative investments. More details.

Both programmes will benefit from access to advice from legal specialists Thrings and financial experts Baker Tilly.

Comments on the mentoring programme:
Jaya Chakrabarti, Managing Director, Nameless – Mentee:

“Our mentor made so much more of a difference to our company than I'd imagined. I had access to a wealth of experience from someone I could trust with intimate knowledge of my business. It might take a little leap of faith, but we're living proof that it's worth it. Our mentor (Charles Wace, Twofour Group) helped us become even stronger – he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, and frankly, that's the only way a small business can work!”

Comments on the investment readiness programme:
Andrew Mullinger, Co-founder & COO of Funding Circle:

"Creative businesses often they find themselves under the stranglehold of interest rates, borrowing fees, an arduous process or a closed door when seeking financial support. We need innovative approaches that eliminate these barriers and help companies to grow. Bespoke programmes like this are highly valuable in helping those companies to learn the pitfalls, package their business and meet the right investors."

With thanks to programme sponsors:
Baker Tilly, a leading national provider of accounting & business services
Thrings, providing specialist legal advice to the creative sector

Marketing network

Following our great first Marketing Network session we are planning our second. We will be feeding back on a potential partnership project with VisitWiltshire, a County Wide profile raising campaign 'Wiltshire Loves Arts', an arts loyalty card ap and more.

If you are an arts marketeer and would like to be part of this work do come and join us. We will be meeting in Salisbury, please add your availability to this doodle diary.

Thanks all

Friday, 21 October 2011

Screen Me Film Festival

The new Screen Me Film Festival project is presented by White Horse Pictures, a project bringing new release film to rural Wiltshire. Screen Me aims to involve communities from across Wiltshire in the programming of films that tell stories. Stories are revealing; they come out of community history and they express the culture of communities. This project has been granted the Inspire Mark by the London 2012 Inspire programme as it offers communities the opportunity to explore the culture of other nations through the films that they make and the stories that they tell.

The London 2012 Inspire programme recognises innovative and exceptional projects that are directly inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Screen Me will present a series of films in venues across Wiltshire that explore themes of journeys and the ways that different cultures tell stories in cinema. The films will come from around the world and tell stories from different cultures and unusual perspectives.

There will be opportunities for groups and individuals to take part in discussions and activities that explore the journeys and storytelling in films as well as viewing the screenings of these inspirational films.

We are looking for volunteers to get involved in selecting and programming films that tell stories of significance to their community. These ‘programme champions’ will have the opportunity to visit other regional film festivals to find new films and speakers to come back to Wiltshire and be part of the Screen Me film festival.

Screen Me will culminate in March 2012 with a run of films, entirely chosen by the ‘programming champions’. We hope that this mini-festival will include film reviews and interviews as well as trailers for forthcoming presentations and connections with other projects on-going within Wiltshire that explore similar themes.

To launch the festival we are screening Amreeka at the Melksham Assembly Hall on Friday 4th November at 7pm. Amreeka is the story of Muna, a single mother who leaves the West Bank with her teenage son, with dreams of an exciting future in the promised land of small town Illinois. In America, as her son navigates high school hallways the way he used to move through military checkpoints, the indomitable Muna scrambles together a new life cooking up falafel burgers as well as hamburgers at the local White Castle. We’d love you to join us.

If you are interested in volunteering to get involved in this exciting project or would like to book a free ticket to this screening then please get in touch with us at or call 01249 705545.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Arc Theatre Trowbridge closure

Many of you may be aware that Wiltshire College have made an announcement that they can nolonger support The Arc Theatre and it will cease to operate as a professional venue from January 2012.

The Arc has been a key part of the arts ecology in Wiltshire as a receiving venue programming professional performance, supporting local producing companies and acting as a platform for many arts professionals, (myself included) as well as providing West Wiltshire with access to professional and community performance. If this resource is lost it will be to the detriment of the arts throughout Wiltshire.

A two month consultation period has been afforded The Arc theatre team to work up some options to present to Wiltshire College's management team. his consultation period ends on November 12.

Do please add your voice to the lobbying of Wiltshire College to retain The Arc as a professional venue. You can write to the Chair Of Governors, Stephen Stone. The Clerk to the Governors is Shirley Raw so any written communication will need to be sent C/O Shirley Raw, Wiltshire College, College Road, Trowbridge, BA14 0ES or by email

There is also an online petition:

Friday, 7 October 2011

Understanding venues

CEW have organised this session could be useful for those of you who are involved with tour booking!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


The Regional Youth Work Unit is helping to deliver a project called ‘somewhereto_’ which is all about finding spaces for young people to debate, play sport, perform, play music, dance, display artwork, show films, write – in fact spaces for young people to do anything related to the arts, sports and culture. It is a national project being supported by Channel 4 and is part of the legacy of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, so when the games are finished there are still positive opportunities for young people.

We are looking for spaces across the region that might be available for young people aged 16–25 years to use for dancing, performing, writing, meeting, playing sport - especially new spaces that young people might not know about or some unusual spaces for a one-off event. The space would need to be free or low cost. The space would be promoted on the somewhereto_ website along with acknowledging the donor, so you would get some positive publicity for your organisation. However, the project is regulated and it’s not that young people can just turn up at your space unannounced!

The South West part of the website has a few spaces, but we desperately need more and have young people looking for space to do the things they love.

Can you help? Please visit the website and register your space. I will then get in contact to agree with you how and when your space could be used.

Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Sharon Adams

Somewhereto_ Project Co-ordinator

Learning South West

T: 01823 365444 / 335491


Performance opportunities at the Summer Solstice

We have been invited to open an invitation to groups and individuals to perform on one of the spaces around Stonehenge as part of the Summer Solstice nest year. The Solstice begins at 7pm on the 20th June and continues through until 8am on the 21st.

If you or anyone you know might be interested in finding out more about this please contact me

NB: No amplification can be used.

Want to be in a brochure showcasing the arts in Wiltshire

Following our marketing network session we have an action to produce a brochure that includes all arts organisations, individual artists and practitioners from across Wiltshire so that we can help raise the profile of the arts in Wiltshire.

We would like everyone to make the brochure available and distribute at events they are attending and the marketing network plan to attend big events in and around the County to promote Wiltshire Loves Arts. We hope this will help raise the profile of Wiltshire as a county with a thriving professional arts scene, but will also help develop audiences/ customers from within and outside of the County for those included.

I am currently having a brochure costed up. WAP will look to subsidise the brochure hoping not to need to charge more the £20 per entry as it is really important that we showcase as much of the arts ecology in Wiltshire as possible.

It would be really helpful to start to get an idea of how many entries we will be looking at. So please could you ask all of your contacts who work professionally within the arts to contact me ideally with 50 and 100 words of copy about themselves including web address, email and telephone number (If relevant) with a high resolution image.

The deadline for expressions of interest in being in this publication is October 19.


Do join us on facebook, and I'll do my best to keep adding interesting posts!!/pages/Wiltshire-Arts-Promoters-WAP/194491707278326

Opportunities to present contemporary works in progress

There is an open call for practitioners, artists and companies to present works-in-progress in front of a live audience.

ICIA University of Bath in partnership with Salisbury Arts Centre, is looking for new contemporary performance work that has been devised, choreographed or produced. We offer a platform for work-in-progress and new performance ideas to test in front of a live audience at ICIA University of Bath on Saturday 26 November.

To find out more visit:

Want to have a chance to network with others involved with fundraising

Following our fruitful session with arts marketeers last week I have postponed our fundraising session as I am aware that a number of you had wanted to attend but were unable to make the date offered.

If you think you or anybody you know would benefit from being able to meet with others who understand the challenges of fundraising, share tips and find ways we may be able to support each other do look at the dates and times mooted at this link.

I am currently completing a course to become a qualified funding adviser and whilst I am far from an expert I'm very happy to share anything I've learned and support the group as best I can.

The Pound Arts Centre team have offered to host this session for us, I am aware that public transport access to Corsham can be a problem so if that makes it impossible for you to attend but you would otherwise want to please do let me know.

Pop up art anyone?

We were contacting though our website by a lady called Kim who would like to create a pop up art gallery in Salisbury. She has asked us if we can help. Any thoughts anyone? Drop me an email if you would like her contact details.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Wiltshire College announce closure of The Arc

You may be aware that 2 weeks ago Wiltshire College announced their intention to cease any professional performance at The Arc from January 28 2011. There has been a two month consultation period offered to the Arc team to submit options for a business plan to bridge the current £25,000 subsidy given by the college.

There is a very real risk that the region will lose this professional venue that for 14 years has supported emerging artists, providing a platform for regional, national and international professional performance, a great training platform for students, apprentices and arts professionals and opportunities for community engagement.

Please do write to Chair of Wiltshire College Governors, Mr Steve Stone C/O
Wiltshire College Chippenham Campus, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3QD or to Principle Di Dale, in support of this valuable asset to the arts ecology in Wiltshire.

Community Grants

Did you know your Local Area board has a budget to support community projects and they are really under applied for? You can apply for up to £1000 with no match funding and up to £5000 (more could be considered) with a minimum of 50% mach funding. Look here for more information:

Where's Constable?

If you missed Hoodwinks 'Where's Constable' event take a look at this!

HOODWINK 'Where's Constable?' from Stephanie Jalland on Vimeo.

Want to perform at the Torch Relay's Salisbury sleepover?

Performance groups, companies and individuals are being invited to perform at the Olympic Torch Relay stop over in Salisbury on Monday July 11, 2012. This is a performance opportunity for the best and most talented within the County to perform to a local, national and potentially international audience.

Unfortunately there is no money available for this appearance and so you will have to be confident that you can support the activity from your existing resources. Please also note that there will be several acts on the stage and so there will be minimal time (if any) available between performances for set up and take down.

Please can you e-mail with a short description of what your group could present and how you would propose to deliver this activity, do also get in touch with Peter if you have any questions!

The deadline for this is October 7 so I'm afraid you don't have much thinking time!