Monday 14 November 2011

Day of innovation on the future of the book!

Media FuturesRule
/In partnership with
Cyprus Well
/Powered by
/Supported by
iNets South West Creative Industries
/Funded by
Solutions For BusinessEuropean Regional Development FundSouth West Screen

Publish! - A Day of Innovation on the Future of the Book
Innovation is key to surviving and prospering in business, and never more so than in troubled economic times. Can innovation invigorate the book and the publishing industries, currently undergoing unprecedented transformation?
Book now for this Day of Innovation, where you can find out how to be more innovative; understand how publishers (and new players) are making money from digital; meet innovators working on the future of the book; and network with potential partners who can help you develop successful digital products.
Key thinkers and doers will give thought-provoking Lightning Talks and present recent Show and Tells, giving you insights into what has and hasn’t worked in innovation and business growth. To raise your sights further, leading innovators will showcase inspiring projects.
We will debate the challenges and opportunities facing publishers now, and set the scene for the future. How will social, technological and business changes shape the industry over the next five years? Will apps go the way of CD-ROMs? Might print become a gateway to digital experiences?
In rapid workshops experts will teach you about creating digital content; collaborating with partners and digital agencies; working with designers and developers; and developing new business models and revenue streams.
To wrap up the day a panel of industry luminaries will discuss how we can innovate better and and more cost-effectively, using methods including open innovation, rapid development and lean models.
Full programme announced soon! Check back at:
The of Publishing programme is produced in partnership with Cyprus Well, powered by NESTA, and supported by the Creative Industries iNet, which is part of the Government’s Solutions for Business portfolio, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and led by South West Screen.

To keep up with Day of Innovation developments you can connect with us via…
If this email was forwarded to you, you can also join our Futures mailing list in order to be notified of the full programme.
£75 for individuals and small businesses with first allocation £50, and corporate rate £100 with first allocation £75. (Plus booking fee.)
A Day of Innovation
8 December 2011
10am – 5:30pm
1 Canons Road
Bristol BS1 5TX
Book Now
Wsatershed, Bristol, 8 December

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